Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I can't say enough about the PBS series "Faces of America" that is inspiring so many others to become involved in genealogy--from many different--yet similar--cultures and circumstances. And explains why its hard to tear me away from online searching. Episode 3 will show Wed Feb 24, but I caught a missed episode #2 on the webpage Comments from other viewers?  

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Since I've been watching Olympics, I caught up with episode #2 last night. I've been ever so slightly irked by the format this time around. I half wish they'd complete one or two people per episode, so if you missed one, you're not in the dark. However, to make you tune in each week, I guess it does make sense to drag the 'reveal' out for each subject over the course of the whole series. Episode#2 was pretty interesting and informative and I'm finding myself getting deeper into it.

With that said, the NBC version which debuts after the Olympics ("Who Do You Think You Are?") may give PBS a run for its money. Sponsored by, the NBC version will trace a different group of celebs and even, for example, unite black movie director Spike Lee with a white relative. I'm going to tune in for sure and I hope that being on a major network and featuring (perhaps) celebrities that younger folk would be more interested in, I hope it will inspire a new generation of genealogy addicts.
I would love to submit my DNA and MtDna to them...
I was able to watch both episodes on line at the web address Carolyn listed in her post. I really enjoyed both episodes and look forward to the next episode, which I will also watch on-line.

I hope it brings a ton of new people to the world of genealogy research. I am having such a good time(even when frustrated) trying to solve the puzzles in my family tree!
Just watched episode one online. Don't know when we will see it on Australian TV. I enjoyed it and look forward to watching more. I do think it would have been better to concentrate more on one or two people per episode instead of jumping to the next person. As an album maker/scrapbooker I loved the concept of introducing the guests to photos and documents from the research in a photo album.



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