Genealogy Wise

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I'm in search of a lost half sister.  My father was enlisted in 1945 (Army) and stationed in Germany.  I'm searching to find the exact location to help in my search for her.  So far no luck.  My father is still alive but has never acknowledged that he has a child in Germany.  I was informed last year through a family member that I have a half sister.  We believe that my father did in fact marry my sister's mother.  I only know her first name, Melanie.  I also understand that this sister attempted to locate her father and was successful.  Apparently, she visited his home a few years ago here in the US but my father denied her as his daughter in an attempt to keep his long going secret.  "Melanie" did remarry in Germany and sent a picture to my father's mother here in the US (Kentucky).  His mother would destroy all correspondence from Melanie to make sure my mother never found out about her.  My mother is deceased so I'm confused as to why my father will not share any information with us.  I was told not to speak of this to family until he passes.  I'm confident that he will change the way he feels if he see that his children are accepting of his past.  I have no clue how to find her.  I have no name, birth date, etc.  I'm afraid she is not searching "forums" since she already found him and was rejected.  What do I do?  I have some of my father's military records.  But that is it.  Is this a lost cause?


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Where was your father stationed? I am on several German mailing lists, maybe somebody there has any ideas of where and how to look. I am also a member of a German genealogy group. Do you mind if I translate your letter and send it on. Maybe some one out there has some ideas.


I don't know where he was stationed.  I'm going to attempt to "casually" ask him without looking suspicious.  I do know that he went through basic training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.  According to a return address on a package that he mailed from there he provided this information: D-28-7, F.A.R.T.C., Section #5.  I also have his military ID# 45041828.  He was born in 1927.


I've posted on a few website forums looking for her, but no luck yet.  I'm guessing she gave up when he didn't acknowledge her a few years ago.  I don't know if she is aware she has siblings.


I appreciate any help you can provide.  Feel free to translate my letter. 


Hello Beth this may seem odd coming from a aussie but I try to help people looking for x x x

FARTC stands for " Field Artillery Reserve Training Center "

I found this site that maybe of interest but you have to join.

And this one is a E book on the Fort Sill Artillery

I'm clutching at straws here but using Richardson I found this in the 1930 census:

Richardson, Thomas
Age: 2     Birth Year (est.): 1928
State of Residence: Oklahoma     County of Residence: COMANCHE
Census Roll: 1899     Enum. District: 16-36     Family No.: 83     Sheet No.: 25a    
and this is his mother who is a servant to a Carlos Brewer
Richardson, Mamie
Age: 23     Birth Year (est.): 1907
State of Residence: Oklahoma     County of Residence: COMANCHE
Census Roll: 1899     Enum. District: 16-36     Family No.: 83     Sheet No.: 25a    
You Just Never Know



Have you tried looking up your father's veteran information on I am a veteran and I found my both my grandfathers' information. I don't know if this will help, but maybe you can get something concrete there going forward. Don't give up. It takes time and the world even small as it is these days, messages still take time to get across and answered. If you want me to help you with the veteran portion, I can try.
I finally asked my father for information about his time in the service.  Since he is 83 remembering the places he went to is a challenge.  This is what he remembers.  I'm sure it is very "generic" and not helpful but I have to at least try.  He went to Germany in 1946 to Bremerhaven (sp?).  He also spent time in Frankfurt, Munich, Oxburg.  He was sent back to the U.S. in 1950 to Fort Hayes (Columbus, Ohio?).  I'm guessing my half sister was conceived toward the later part of his service.  I believe my father was not in Germany at the time of her birth.  This search seems so ridiculous to me.  I know she is out there.  I know she searched for our father and found him.  I feel like I'm just a search away from stumbling onto information.  I think the fact that she probably lives outside the U.S. is where the gap is.  Any information or other places to research would be greatly appreciated.  Thank-you.  I've attached a picture of my father holding his great-grandson.

Good Luck!  As to why he would deny his children the comfort of each other I don't know.  After he is gone his children will only have each other.  Again good luck!


I sent you a private message (with only 250 characters space kinda hard). Please send me an email. I might be able to help.

Greetings from Heidelberg


Update~As you can see from my post above I had little to almost no information to go on to locate my half sister.  I had given up for several months as I just didn't know where to go from here.  Honestly I just prayed that an unexpected door would open and put me on the right path.  I received a phone call from my step mother last night who "casually" mentioned (as if I've known all along) that my half sister had called the house and requested to visit my father.  I nearly fell out of my chair!  I had no idea that my half sister (even after being denied by "our father" over 25 years ago) never stopped contact with him.  She apparently calls twice a year to check on our father.  This whole time my step mother has had her name, address, phone number.  I was told this was a family secret not to be spoken of.  I shared that I had been searching for my half sister for nearly a year.  My step mother was under the impression that I knew and told me that I should have asked.  I guess we should all press on with the "never give up hope" attitude.  I will be getting my half sisters contact information today and I'm so excited to finally reach out to her.  I can't wait to share with her that I've been searching for her and to let her know that I desire a relationship with her.  She has no idea the turn of events that will take place today.  The best part is she is planning a trip and all of her sibling have been invited to come meet her.  My father is still in denial...but is open to letting her visit.  

Thank you for all the replies to my post and offers of help.  You just never know how your search will turn out.  I feel truly blessed. (She resides in the U.S.)


Beth Anne good news to say the least I truly hope that all goes well for you.

I've had similar circumstances and had to tread very lightly in not upsetting any one.

My dearest friend found her long lost uncle and packed her bags and went to the UK to visit him only to be told that she was not welcome and that she should have let it all stay as it was.

She came straight back home and wiped her hands of the whole ordeal and has vowed never contacted that family ever again.

Some things just don't go right do they.




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