Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

When I first started using it looked to me like a free for all. I've Been a member for off and on two years. Unfortunately I didn't understand the methodology of a genealogist and started adding people from unsourced trees. My main public Ezell tree is a mess so I started a few private trees to try and get the first five generations completely sourced and with family history included. What should I do with the public tree?

Another question is there a way to sync family tree maker and I find myself having to add the same info in two different spots all the time

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I'd love to hear the answer to your second question. I also find myself entering info twice.
I was told by FTM that I could upload my tree from FTM to, but I would have to manually input all changes into both trees. No way to sync anything! They said that this is one of the things that "they" are working on. Probably will take years to get that done!

I have no idea how to delete a treee from Ancestry. I tired and it didn't work! If someone knows, I would be interested in knowing.
Syncing and navigation have been my two biggest issues with FTM2009 & Family tree.

To compound matters, I set up a family site on (which links to our family tree on
Family members are calling the experience 'confusing'.

Has anyone successfully integrated these three products in their approach to genealogy?

"Guided by the Ancestors"

Sandra Taliaferro said:
I'd love to hear the answer to your second question. I also find myself entering info twice.

If you open your tree on Ancestry you will see the following tabs : Family Tree; Recent Activity and Media Gallery on the left of the page. On the extreme right hand side is another tab that says : Tree Settings. Click this tab and another page opens. On this page on the right hand side you will see at the bottom below " Export Tree" in red lettering and underlined " Delete Your Tree "

It works for me. I have done it on a number of occasions.


Karen Collier said:
I was told by FTM that I could upload my tree from FTM to, but I would have to manually input all changes into both trees. No way to sync anything! They said that this is one of the things that "they" are working on. Probably will take years to get that done!

I have no idea how to delete a treee from Ancestry. I tired and it didn't work! If someone knows, I would be interested in knowing.
To delete a tree you must go to the Family Trees tab, find the tree you want to delete, and hit the MANAGE tree. This will allow you to delete the tree, but once deleted it is not retrievable, so be careful. I just reload a GEDCOM after I get so much info and delete the previous tree, because I get tired of putting in all the info by hand over and over.
Thank you ARnie, Am trying........even though the site is slow it seems to be working.
In Randy Seaver's blog, Genea-Musings, there is some information on the new FTM 2010 that is supposed to be released soon. His blog is dated July 11, 2009. It looks like that version will have something so we can synch to Ancestry more easily. Here is the link to the article. if you would like to read it.

Hi Jean, Just read the blog by Randy Seaver; he didn't mention the fact that we would be able to input information on FTM and it would automatically update on If he did, I missed it. Please let me know. Thanks!

Jean Perera said:
In Randy Seaver's blog, Genea-Musings, there is some information on the new FTM 2010 that is supposed to be released soon. His blog is dated July 11, 2009. It looks like that version will have something so we can synch to Ancestry more easily. Here is the link to the article. if you would like to read it.

You're right. I didn't seen anything about automatically doing it. Perhaps I read into it more than was there. And perhaps it was wishful thinking! It will be interesting to see what the new version looks like. I think I'll let someone else try it first.
Randy Sever just blogged today about uploading FTM 2009 to Ancestry. He tried it with media attachments and he explains his process. Here is the link if you want to read about his experience.
The real issue here, from the many messages on the Family Tree Maker message board at, is where you started your tree.

I agree that, at some point in time, perhaps with Family Tree Maker Version 2010, we will be able to Sync our PC based file with a tree at

Just a little history with Family Tree Maker. Prior to Version 2008, a user could create and maintain a Family Tree Maker User Home Page. You could upload 5 Reports, at Book, then a My Family History section. Please photos and InterneTrees (GEDCOM files that were viewable). So, we could upload our research on our User Home Page and they could be found with a search engine, especially from Genealogy.Com.

With Version 2008 and 2009, we can Publish our Trees, as Randy has shown us, to an Member Tree WITH Images (added in 2009).

The issue here, is that when you uploaded your updated tree, it created a New Tree at You COULD download a Tree from, but it was a GEDCOM file, so you lost any images that may have been in your Family File. So, as a PC based user, you could do some of the things we could do at the Family Tree Maker User Home Page.

Now, for the real issue:(and this comes from trying to help other users with this issue) What IF you Started your Tree on, where you did your Source-Citations, attached images, uploaded images to your Online Tree. Others can view your research, through an invitation.

Now you purchase a PC based Genealogy Program, Family Tree Maker Version 2009, How are you going get what you have spend hours doing at into your Family File. The only way you can do that now, is the GEDCOM download. Of course, when you do that, you loose all of your Images that you had online.

If I read, correctly, what Randy's updated message, the USER who created the Online Tree at WILL be able to download the Tree, Including Imagea and Source-Citation (and images) into Version 2010.

I will guess, that others will not be completely happy with this either. There will be those who will want anyone to be able to download the tree, images and all. As One User, me, I would NOT want, just anyone to be able to download MY WORK, Images and all, onto their PC.

At this point, I would suggest that you use this link:

And provide our detailed feedback to Family Tree Maker 2009 and this specific issue / feature

You will probably not receive feedback from them, but the developers do read the feedback.

One user's opintion.

Thanks for listening.

Question on FTM 9: Does anyone know how to turn on the automatic Reference ID numbers feature or to assign the numbers to the entire tree at one time? The only way I see to add them is to do so manually. Thanks.



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