Genealogy Wise

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Sandra Taliaferro
  • Female
  • Atlanta, GA
  • United States
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Sandra Taliaferro's Friends

  • victori bass
  • Clyde Vanderhorst
  • Terri Buster
  • Lawrence Thompson
  • Dawnna
  • Allen McClain
  • Lori Shoemaker Hellmund
  • Stephanie Abrams
  • Deb Irwin
  • Willette Bryant
  • Farrel Webb
  • Allum S. Williams
  • Fredric Z. "Rick" Saunders
  • Angela Walton-Raji
  • Alane Roundtree

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Taliaferro, Tolliver/Toliver, Middlebrooks, Gates, Thompson, Park/Parks, Brewer, Lawrence, Askew, Dorsey, Jackson, Butler, Guise, Little, Butler
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Georgia: Counties--Dekalb, Fulton, Henry, Clayton, Meriwether, Pike, Greene; South Carolina, North Carolina
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 1:57pm on August 17, 2009, C.R. Simmons said…
Hello Sandra. I am Cristal Simmons. Stephanie Abrams suggested I contact you since we three have a common name and slave holder. My great great grandfather, Wiley Stocker, was enslaved by Nick Taliaferro in Arkansas. I understand from Stephanie that you are also researching this Nick Taliaferro. I have traced the Taliaferro family from Jefferson/ Dorsey (Cleveland Co.) Arkansas back to Wilkes and other counties in Georgia. I have also noticed a few other interesting things there; too long to put in this initial email. My ancestor Wiley was listed on the 1870 Jefferson County, AR census as Wiley Taliaferro but later changed his last name to Stocker. There are other Taliaferros, Alfred Taliaferro was his brother. Some of the famiy went by Tolliver. My grandfather told me this bit of information as well. My line took and kept the Stocker name. I have no idea where Stocker came from but I believe it was an old slave holding family Wiley or his anestors were associated with. I am very interested in knowing how you and Stephanie connect with Nick Taliaferro (praying for a hit on this line for years actually! ). I see that this is your last name. Please contact me at your earliest convenience.
At 6:17pm on July 25, 2009, Bryndis W. Roberts said…
Although most of my family is from southeast Georgia, I do have relatives in Meriwether County. The names I am researching are Walls, Adams, Lovett, Bryant, and Sinkfield.
At 6:14pm on July 24, 2009, Bryndis W. Roberts said…
What names are you researching in Meriwether County?
At 6:16pm on July 14, 2009, Farrel Webb said…
Yes, it was me that was in contact with you Luckie is related on my mom's side and you and I share kin on my father's!
At 10:48pm on July 10, 2009, Luckie Daniels said…
I am almost positive the black Taliaferro's migrated to Fulton Co. post-emancipation, like my Wingfields.

The Taliaferros of Washington-Wilkes were a wealthy slave owning family, their homes still standing to this day in the historic district. Their name is indigenous to Wilkes (by way of Virginia) & Taliaferro Co. was named for Col. Benjamin Taliaferro.
At 10:32pm on July 10, 2009, Luckie Daniels said…
Taliaferro? Certainly you are from Washington-Wilkes, GA yes? Please say yes!:-)
At 9:54pm on July 10, 2009, Fredric Z. "Rick" Saunders said…
Hi Sandra, I have Taliaferro indirectly in my ancestry. My ancestor Samuel Short was married to Sarah (CATLETT) TALIAFERRO SALLIS, but I descend from a later marriage of Samuel's. I also descend from Edward DORSEY of Maryland.


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