Genealogy Wise

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I am researching family surnames from the southwest County Cork area, around Skibbereen and Baltimore: Walsh, Minihane, Connolly, McCarthy, O'Brien, Hegarty, Collins, Leonard, Sullivan, Donovan, Driscoll, Sheehan, Murphy, O'Regan and many more.

Barbara in St. Louis, Missouri

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Timothy - m;y relatives are from southwest Co Cork, some ways from Cork City. In researching my surnames in this area, I have compiled a 90-page document on the 20 surnames I'm researching. You can get to this information via:
go to Cork
then to Church Records,
them to Information on various surnames

Please let me know if you make any connections.

Hi Barbara Walsh,
I'm Dianne from Spain and my ancestors are also from this area-between Skibbereen and Sherkin Island or Cape Clear island, near Baltimore, Co. Cork. I'm a decendant from Joseph Regan, who married Sarah Goslin of Sherkin Island . Sarah's mother was Ellen Moynihan, the name now a days given for the name of Minihane. I too am studying this area for Regan /Reagan/Ragan- or O' Regan.. I'm trying to fine the village of Joseph Regan who was the son of James and Margaret Regan.
Joseph Regan and his wife Sarah Goslin Regan left Ireland from Cohb on the "Bark Swift" in 1851 bound for Boston.. Ellen Moynihan and some of her sons went with Joseph and Sarah to Boston at this time, just after the Famine Years.
I'm 4th generation Irish Bostonian. Hope that we can share notes and information. Thank you for your question.
Dianne Reagan
Dianne - my Minihanes were not from Cape Clear or Sherkin, but from Ballyally, near Lough Hyne. Probably back 300+ years they were related, but not within the last 200 years.

I have gathered a lot of BMD info for surnames in this area of southwest County Cork. You can review this info at:
go to Cork
then to Church Records
then to Informaiton on various surnames

Please let me know if you make any connections, as these surnames are in my family tree.

Barbara in St. Louis, Missouri
Hello Mark,
My mother was a Manning. Her father was born in and came from Bantry. His name was John Cornelius Manning. John's father was Cornelius Manning of Bantry, Co. Cork. Can this help you?
Dianne Reagan
I have WALSH family that settled in Perth Co. Ontario Canada.... is that of help?
Where were your Walshes from in Ireland? I have McCarthy/Minihane from southwest County Cork near Baltimore that settled in Perth Co, Canada.

Barbara in St. Louis, MO



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