Genealogy Wise

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WALSH - my Walsh family is from around Skibbereen in southwest County Cork, Ireland. We have traced them back to early 1800s. Surnames that married into the family: Connolly, McCarthy, Hegarty, Harrington, Murphy, Salter, O'Regan, O'Brien, Sheehan and more.

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Did your Connolly end up in Wisconsin in the 1860s? Looking for Thomas and Barney Connolly who were is WI in 1860.
I don't know. My gr gr grandmother lived and died on the family farm in southwest Co Cork, Ireland.
WIGGINS - My Wiggins line is from Fermanagh County, Ireland. My 3x great-grandfather, Robert George Wiggins (born about 1814 around Newtown Butler), married Catharine Downey (born about 1812 in Clonisor Ballough) in the early 1840s. They emigrated to Canada in 1843 (my 2x great-grandfather, John Franklin, was born en route to Canada, and his older sister Mary Ann died on the voyage) aboard the barque Ann Hall. They settled in Cherry Valley (Prince Edward County, Ontario) and the Marmora area (Hastings County, Ontario).
WOODSIDE - My Woodside ancestors are from County Antrim, Ballycastle in Northern Ireland.  Ive managed to go back to the late 1700s but have little detailed info except a few census reports.  Surnames that married into the family: McKnight, Frazer, Creighton, Taggart, McNeil, Hunter, McConaghy, Boyle, Redmond.  My great grandparents, William & Margaret Frazer Woodside, had 9 children, all of whom immigrated to the US (Philadelphia) except for one daughter, Maggie.  We have been unable to find any death information for ggrandfather. 
WILKINSON - My great grandmother was Rebecca Wilkinson.  She was born 12 December 1861 in County Donegal, Ireland, the daughter of Anthony and Mary Wilkinson.  She immigrated to the United States sometime before 1880, and settled in Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Her first husband was John David Needham, and her second husband was William J. Lawrence.  Rebecca died 1938 in Philadelphia. 
WELSH/WALSH/WELCH:  My 2X Great Grandfather Thomas Welsh/Welch  married Julia E. Sheheen probably before 1863.  He was born in Co. Mayo, Ireland in 1835.  I believe his parents were Patrick and Anne Welch who arrived in New York  from Liverpool on May 11, 1848.  They appear to have joined other family members in Michigan before Thomas appears in Venango Co., Pennsylvania in the 1870 census, Thomas was a Civil War veteran and enlisted in Oil City/Meadville, Pa. in 1864 when he was 29. Their oldest daughter Katharine was my GGrandmother.

This is a correction to the above statement.  I now know that Thomas Welsh arrived in the US either alone or with a brother named Brian.  He was in his 20's at the time of arrival.  He worked on a farm in New Jersey for one year before proceeding to Oil City/Venango Co. Pa. where he remained his entire life(he died in 1892). He was a soldier in the Civil War and was wounded when his horse was shot and fell on him.  He suffered a life long disability as a result and had a invalid pension in the years before his death.  I do not know the names of his parents and the assumption of Patrick and Anne Welch is incorrect as far as I know.



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