Genealogy Wise

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Tell about your favorite free or low-cost genealogy resources, online and off. Explain why it's a favorite and how it's been helpful in your research.

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That's great its easier to see them and what category--great job!
Thank you David.
My favorite genealogy tool to-date is SimpleFamilyTree 1.31 from The best part is that it's free, which is just like no money! I use it as a 'scratchpad' for work while I'm in the library. Saves data as gedcom for ease of access.
I had not heard of this. Thanks for sharing, Greg!
i use from the mormon church. it has added so many free vital records. i also use find-a-grave often.
Here are the free links I use This is New Brunswick CA. site This is for Obits in St. Louis MO. This is State Historical Society for the state of MO. This is the WPA Graves Registration Project for Iowa Online genealogy databases, records and resources Genealogy Indexes and Databases Related to Adair,
Putnam and Northeast Sullivan County, Missouri

I also have alot more that I will post later :)
Which website, Richard?
I have found more on than anywhere. It has to be at the TOP of the top 10 list.
My favorite site is ShoeString Genealogy There are many genealogy forms which can be printed out. It has many presentations which have given me input as to how I might try something different when searching for my ancestors. The calendar tells subject, date and time of several chats. Check it all out... it's FREE!!!

What I wonder is if you hit a brick wall/dead end in searching a particular ancestor and can't find anything with all the free sites it is then time to do a low cost or something like Ancestry? I have a few in the hubby's tree that I am wondering where to go to next to try and find out more. I admit I haven't pursued census info very well but it seems like every time I try the free routes I don't get anywhere. So what do y'all think? Or do?
Out of curiosity is your Neuhard line from Pennsylvania? I might be able to help on his line as there is quite a bit of info available on the family in Pennsylvania. It has been researched by Dennis Kastens and he has published a few books on the family. Just let me know if I can help.

Patrice Houck Schadt
Thanks for assistance but this is one branch of the tree that I have gazillions on. My husband is the Neuhard and yes they are from PA and originally Germany. Someone did all that work! It is the other branches of his tree that are dead ends: Bower, Long and Anderson. But if you have any info related to those let me know. I could give you more specifics, what little I have.



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