Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Dawn became a member of GenealogyWise the 2nd week we were online. Dawn loved her family, genealogy, her friends, and chatting with people in the chat room. She loved to laugh and make other people laugh. She was witty, and loved having fun. Dawn was loved by so many. She almost always could be found in the chat room every morning. She took time to help anyone with anything they wanted or needed.
She was looking for an ancestor who she was told was a "Revolutionary War Soldier", however, with a lot of research, and checking out documentation Dawn seemed to think that her "Owen Thomas" was NOT the Owen Thomas who fought in the Revolutionary War. I am going to try to keep finding out the information for her family if they would like it. I knew Dawn well enough from several chats, and several private messages that one of her last wishes would be that her genealogy research not be forgotten, and continued so that even though she can not tell her grandkids all the wonderful stories about herself and her ancestors, her husband and children will..
Please feel free to leave a comment her about Dawn. If you have a story to share about a day you were in chat together or a message she sent you please consider sharing it. There is a time for tears and a time for celebration. Let’s not make Dawn's life all about tears lets Celebrate It because that is what she would want. I wrote a post on Dawn's page; however, in case that page disappears I am going to add it here.
Dawn's words about Genealogy:Documentation should be a part of every genealogists research, but it shouldn't be a chore to do. "Genealogy without documentation is mythology".
Dawn Showed Us Yet Again "Life is So Short Do Not Wait To Talk To Grandma About Her Ancestors. Pick Up The Phone Today and Call Her Before You Do Not Get That Chance. I am going to call my grandmother in Denmark
(who turned 94 in June) today, and ask her more about what she remembered growing up, and about my grandfather who passed in 1994.
If you pray would you consider please saying a prayer for Dawn and her family and friends…Thank You
Be Safe and Blessed My Friends
Debbie Anne Jackson-GenealogyWise On Site Administrator

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Dear Stringer Family, and GenealogyWise Family....
I just arrived home after my trip to see "Lion King" on Broadway in Anchorage,and my daughter's first apartment ,and decided to check in on work before going to bed. Words can not even begin to explain the hurt I feel in my heart right now knowing that my chats in the chat room with Dawn, and the private messages she sent me will be no longer.Dawn and I had a lot of fun talking about her "Owen Thomas", and how he might not be the "Revolutionary War Soldier" she was lead to believe most her life. The funny thing she was not really upset about it just that it upset the family. I told her life was to short to worry about something she could not change, and enjoy learning about who the
"REAL" Owen Thomas was. She said that this was all about genealogy and finally getting to the truth, however, we both had a few jokes to throw back and forth about it. I have been trying to help her find her two different Owen Thomas's since I met her almost from my first week of work here. We also spent time coming up with "pet peeves in genealogy with humor attached" I know it sounds like I am babbling but, I really am having a hard time believing when I open my messages, or go to our chat room Dawn will physically not be there to share and laugh with anymore but, i know she will be around GenealogyWise as long as we are here. She will be that "ah ha" moment you have when you take a brick out of your wall, or a date , or name falls in your lap. Just because Dawn left this world it does not mean she is not still doing genealogy. In fact right now she probably sitting with her grandmothers and meeting "Owen Thomas "and getting the true scoop from him. :) I am laughing thinking about it while tears are streaming down my face.
To Dawn's Family, First, please know that I adored Dawn, and loved talking to her when I got that chance. She loved you all so very much, and she talked about the family quite a bit. Mr. Stringer I am sure you know Dawn adored, and loved you,and the boys, dau in laws, and her 3 beautiful grandbabies so much.
I know you will have a beautiful Guardian Angel flying next to you every step of every day for the rest of your life,
Dawn, and I actually talked about what it would be like to
"pass on".She said she would drop things like feathers and money (coins) for her family to pick up. She also said that when she passed she would fly with the butterflies. So when you see them around you , or one lands on you, you might think of Dawn. She truly wanted to be the perfect granddaughter, daughter , wife, mother, and grandmother. She wanted so bad when her grandbabies grew up to tell them her stories and all the stories about all her ancestors she found. She told me her sons were not big on genealogy but,that she had 2 daughter in laws she adored and they were learning how to do genealogy. I really hope you still keep doing that genealogy for her, and the grandbabies because, I know that would be one of her last wishes for them to know about their family. If her daughter in laws ever read this, and you would like to continue with Dawn's research please message me and I will help you , and I am sure many others will help you in anyway we can...
Please accept my condolences, thoughts and prayers for Dawn and all of your family members
When my best friend past many years ago i found a poem about a ship that I gave to his mother. One of my favorite lines went something like this... Just because a ship has gone around the bend does not not mean it is gone forver, she is just out of our site for now....Dawn may be gone around the bend, however, she will never be forgotten...
If I can help you or your family in any way please feel free to contact me at
I would say Dawn"Rest In Peace" my friend..but she would tell me she had to much to do to Rest in Peace..we did both agree we would finally sleep when we died so maybe she is getting that long nap we talked about( but bet she is having a class on census writing with the census takers...she hated there were so many of them that wrote so sloppy :) LOL
So, my last thought for Dawn is enjoy the Ancestor Reunions,Parties, Classes, and Naps so, that when your family and friends meet up with you again you will be very knowledgable and very well rested my dear friend :)
"You will always be in my thoughts".....
Debbie Anne Jackson-GenealogyWise On Site Administrator
Good Morning GenealogyWise Family, Please come join the new Genealogywise Memorial Page. I have already added a discussion forum for Dawn so; in case this page disappears you will have somewhere to leave your thoughts, and memories about Dawn. This page also is for you to memorialize anyone who has passed in your life that you want to pay tribute to.

If anyone in Dawn's family reads this would you consider sending a few more pictures of Dawn, and family to add to her forum. Also if we could add her B-day and Wedding Anniversary I am sure she would love that. Please leave a message here, or at the new Memorial Page, or you can even message me privately.

Thank you

RIP Dawn...gone from this life but never forgotten my friend.

Debbie Anne Jackson-GenealogyWise On Site Administrator Delete Comment

In Memory of Dawn Evans StringerAdded by Gena Philibert Ortega on October 11, 2009 at 5:38pm

This morning, Sunday October 11, one of our members, Dawn Evans Stringer, passed away from a heart attack. You can read her husband's statement at

Dawn was a wonderful, kind person that many of us will miss. If you knew Dawn, please feel free to write your thoughts on her member page for her husband and family to read. Her member page is at

Gena Philibert Ortega

Community Manager, GenealogyWise
Last updated by Gena Philibert Ortega 10 hours ago.
I have just woke up this morning and getting my head in the right place to take care of some priorities. /first after reading these kind post I started crying. I cant talk about her without crying. If you didnt know her you have missed out. All she wanted in this world was her sons to grow up well get kids[ lots of kids] she was the most thoughtful and selfless person I have ever known. We have been togetther for 27 years. And you cant just let that go.I would like everybody to pray for me because I am not as strong as I thought I was. I cant stop crying. I will try to upload some pictures. She was a meticulous genealogist and I am sitting here with reams of history she was doing about her family and quite honestly dont have a clue to do with it. Her filing system as she put it was something like ordered chaos.But I will leave it like that for now. She loved coming to this room.
I'm sorry, I don't know your name but mine's Lisa and I have been EXACTLY where you are right now. My husband and I met in High School (9th grade choir) and dated for a year or so, he made it into the America's Youth In Concert program and went overseas with the choir, something changed or maybe we were just young but we broke up and eventually married others and each had children. Later we divorced and found each other again (we each had 3 children) and had been married for 23 wonderful years when he suddenly passed away from a heart attack on Halloween 2005. It's a very hard thing to get over and very hard to try to move on, even if you know that's what they would have wanted you to do. I still have a hard time with it all!! I miss him terribly and the life we had built together. We have 14 grandchildren and he'll never get to see them grow up!
Dawn was a wonderful, compassionate woman and we'd discussed my loss on various occasions. There simply are not the perfect words to say now, anymore than there were when I lost Chuck, but my heart goes out to you and your family! Just know how much I, and everyone that knew her will truly miss her presence here online where we all met for the very first time!
Dawn will always be in our hearts here and you'll all be in our prayers!!
Please excuse my writing if it's incorrectly written or if my grammer is off (my dad always corrects it!) I know what I feel but sometimes it's not always so easy to put those exact thoughts into the right words. God Bless!
I haven't been a member of this site very long and was deeply saddened to read the news this morning. When I first came in here I used my regular username dawnk82, well then Dawn showed up and then another dawn was also online, so I changed my name to keep from confusing evry1. Dawn was very nice and helpful, and I can only express my sympathy and prayers to her family for this tragic loss. We as genealogist tend to deal with death of our ancestors everyday, we think when we read a cememtery record and see all that have passed at such a young age, how sad and how much was left undone. Please remember to connect with those that are still living and to do our best with each day we have. You will be missed Dawn.

Akme (aka dawnk82)



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