Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

GenealogyWise is a babe in the woods, as is most of online genealogy. I feel like my unique tree is lost in the forest of online genealogy. Standards in the field of genealogical research only came in the 1930s, and CD-ROMS for genealogical research were toddlers in the early 1990s.
Is that ‘jen-ee-ologee’ or ‘jeen-ee-ology’? Is it related to gerontology, gynecology, geology?

Online sites?
RootsWeb becomes part of Ancestry, which creates sites such as MyFamily under the Generations Network umbrella but is called Ancestry again!? Oh well, no one in my family would really use MyFamily, so we quit.
Who bought out Automated Archives? It appears to be Family Archives.
What happened to Ancestral Research Association?
Is the World Family Tree the same as the Ancestry World Tree and Family Connect, or does it overlap somehow?
When do you use GenForum or GenCircles?

The very popular Cyndi’s List includes 35 references in its new category called Wikis For Genealogy. Where do I start?
Is the free We Relate venture (the “world’s largest genealogy wiki”) related to We’re Related, or to FamilySearch wiki or FamilyPedia (“the genealogy wiki”?
Are GenServ and One Great Family and KindredKonnections cousins twice removed? If GenealogyWise is the step-father of FamilyHistory Link, what will its offspring GenSeek become?
Do these ventures all need to have spacey merged names fashioned after FamilySearch, which now traverses the world under the name FamilySearch International?

Apologies to the FLink family and all of its Flinkers fans.

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Where you start depends on what you want to find out, or what you want to do. I wouldn't recommend anyone put all their reliance on one website, because on the interweb nothing stays, or stays the same, for long.

But if you want to post an enormous picture of a naked child, then evidently GW is a good place to start, maybe you need to find a photo re-sizing website ;o)
Uploading photos and document samples has been one of my worst bugs at GenyWise.
In terms of its growth from this infancy, it could become an enormous mishmash without better organization.
Anyone know where has gone?
They were to bridge genealogists with the funeral industry in preserving photos and personal history.
More sites = more chance that you will find the info you need or that vital contact. I have been 'doing' family history since just before the online revolution started and advise just putting your tree everywhere (be careful of privacy = no living relatives, up to date photos unless it is by invitation only), keep up to date with all your sites so you know if they change (i found my tree on myheritage then discovered they are part of/taken over gencircles). Rootsweb has always been part of which in turn appears to be linked to LDS. Best sites I have found (UK) are rootsweb, ancestry (note: is part of the MY Family = ancestry), genesreunited, myheritage (don't put up to date photos on here as there as anyone can see them even if you set your tree to private).

For information just look everywhere, google regularly places, surnames etc. Be careful of sites wanting your cash - do they offer what you are looking for at a decent price? There are lots who have 'jumped on the bandwaggon' over the past couple of years. Is the info you want already available somewhere free? For UK check out family history associations who often have free info, freereg, freebmd, freecen, sctbmd websites; many of the Canadian and Australian archive stuff is free.
Very thoughtful.
I'd really like to prevent my voluntary contributions from again becoming part of a fee site.
Ancestry (fee site) has tried various agreements with the thousands of free LDS Family History Centers, but they have very different histories and purposes. They have cooperated some on indexing and digitizing, but it looks like FamilySearch Indexing is re-doing primary census records so their users can avoid Ancestry fees.
On 6 August 2009 the news reports that Ancestry is preparing to go public and sell $75 million in shares.
For the first 6 months of 2009 it reports $99.9 million in revenues and $8.1 million in net income.
They've come a long way since 1984.
How will this change their future?
Know when you go to Rootsweb and start looking for a state and county. Once you get to the county most of the sites listed there will take yu to where you have pay too look at the information.

At one point you could do search's for families names state wide or for one county not anymore that completely disappear. That was a really good thing too.

Im waiting for all the county information that people have put on there for free will eventually turn up on Ancestry where you will have to pay to see the information.



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