Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

If you match someone with a genetic distance of 3, following a yDNA 111 test, and then another person with a genetic distance of 6, does that mean that the "distance" to the most recent common ancestor is closer with the person who only has a genetic distance of 3? Or can the most recent common ancestor be the same person for all three individuals (me, the person with a genetic distance of 3 and the person with a genetic distance of 6).

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Yes to all your questions but nothing is cast in stone. DNA sometimes shifts in different generations. I have a cousin who has a genetic distance of 2 with me but, he only has a genetic distance of 1 with my son. Some fast markers may change slightly with each generation. I would also look at the haplogroup for each match. Often different matches will also list surnames from their family tree. FTDNA is very slow right now so I can't check for more info and ideas for you.

Thanks very much for your response Paul. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.



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