Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Attached is a file on 6 generations of the family that originated in the Netherlands. It is about 114 pages long and includes notes and sources. Additions/corrections are greatly appreciated. I have not worked on this for about a year so have some other stuff that needs to be added but it is mainly later time period then what is posted.

Have about 20 pages of couples where I cannot connect and will post those later but not all of them are in the Long Island area.

Thanks for any leads offered, Jim.

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Mr. LaLone,
I've seen your posts on a variety of boards that give me corrected information on my families. I have downloaded this attachment to study to see what I have to share or to question. Thank you for posting it.
I appreciate your research. I am part of a Hagaman/Hegeman/Hagerman family surname project that is searching for male Hagamans to provide DNA samples or to share results with our group. We have only personal funding for this but we have high expectations for connecting with other Hagamans to share information and results of the DNA testing. We have a Hagaman page called aptly, with construction of the site continuing with Tim Hagaman and his wife. We invite all who might have connections or interest to visit or join.
Again, thank you for this file and your other posts demonstrating such complete and accurate information on my family.
Thank you. I am always collecting anything I can find & there was a fairly recent article in the New York genie mag which corrected some stuff that I had. Would be glad to hear from you with any additions/corrections you are willing to share. As I said before I have a lot of unconnected HAGAMANs would be glad to send that to you as an attachment if you want (it is in a Word file) perhaps someone may make some connections to that. Thank you again, Jim.
I would be happy to see if I can connect anyone on your list. I work with several cousins and we may be able to give you information to help. is my email address.
How did you start looking at this family and collect so much information? I have several disconnected people that I just don't believe belong but may change my mind once I read your list thoroughly.
Thank you.
Hello again.
My cousins want me to invite you to post your information on Tim Hagaman can assist you if you should need it. They agree your information is well supported and documented which would be a wonderful addition to our site and project.
So, please consider yourself invited to join and post on
Thank you
Hello James,
I have downloaded your file in hopes that I might be able to identify some of the connections with the unconnected Hagamans/Hagemans in your file. Plus I'm hoping to find more information to expand my current genealogy line. Thank you for posting this file and I'll be back to you.
I'd be happy to contribute to a Hegeman/Hageman/Hagaman DNA project. We would need about 25 samples I guess to get valid data.
John F Hagaman
Princeton, NJ
Please join our project. We are paying for our own family's DNA to be tested but if you have as many family members as we do, you probably could get the 37 marker. We get a special price, so join the group and we can get the discounted price for you and your families... We probably need about 25.
Anyone who has already had DNA studies we sure could use your results within our study. Hint hint.

Cindy Hagaman Hanrahan
To join the Hagaman surname DNA project, go to
Be sure to read all the background information explaining the projects and the tests. Find the Hagaman/Hegeman/Hagerman/Hageman Surname Project page and click on "join the project." The site administrator can get the DNA tests for you at a reduced cost, so be sure to contact the Hagaman Project Administrator before ordering your test. I recommend you order, at a bare minimum, the Y-DNA 37 marker test (males only) and preferably the 67 marker test. Only the Y-DNA test traces the Hagaman male descendancy. The mtDNA test traces the maternal descendancy, which will be different for every mother and has nothing to do with the Hagaman line - however, it will be of interest to the children of that particular mother. We would really like to have male representatives of every Hagaman (and spelling derivation) line.
Maggie asked me who the father was of Abraham who married Anna LOTT. I have his father as Rem but don't know which one - two possibilities, so I have done an attachment and would appreciate anyone who can add or correct the posted material - the second possibility is in red., Thanks, Jim.
James i have been looking for the parents of John j hagerman m sally terry he was born in 1799 i thought he might have been the son of evert hagaman who was born in 1799 but the description of his age from his tombstone don't match up.  his oldest son was John Clark Hagerman, there is a John Clark Ostrom brother of Denny ostrom so a step uncle perhaps.  I would appreciate your help

Allen, unfortunatelly, I do not know how he fits in the scheme of things. Here is what I have (attachment), additions / corrections appreciated, thanks, Jim.




I have also been searching for quite some time for the same information:  Who are the parents of John J Hagerman (born Nov. 1799, Seneca Co).  I believe they are William Hagerman and Sarah Silvernail Jones. I believe that John J. may have been the eldest son.  John J Hagerman and Sarah Terry moved to Michigan around 1838 or 1839.  William Hagerman died 1835 while Sarah Jones Hagerman died around 1838. Many of the families from Seneca County NY (around Lodi, Ovid, Covert) moved to Lenawee County Michigan around 1832 thru 1838.

I am descended from Joseph W (william?) Hagerman and Betsy Skinner. (also John Clark Hagerman and Clara Rothfuss).



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