Genealogy Wise

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Henry Green is my second Great-Great Grandfather, to serve in the Civil War out of Pennsylvania. He was a Private, Co. B, 41 Reg't U.S. Col'd Infantry. He is described as black (he was brown skinned), and having an anchor in Blue on both forearms. Does anyone know what the anchors denote? He is described as 5'11 1/2 " tall, and 34 years of age. He was part of the Teamsters Brigade.

Here is some information from the document I have:
*"Private Henry Green, B, Co. 41st USCT, is hereby detailed as Teamster in the Quarter Masters Department of this Brigade and will report for duty, to 1st Lieut. E.B. Burrows, with out delay"

*A copy of Document is Attached.

If anyone has questions about the information please feel free. I can answer from the documents I have on my ancestors, Uriah Martin, and Henry Green.

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Is Henry buried in the Asbury AME cemetery?


John J. Heine

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

General George H. Thomas, Lancaster, PA Camp #19 and member of the S&DUSCT

My understanding is that is where he is buried. I was notified several years ago that his marker at the AME Church was located.



Anita Wills

If you give me an e-mail address I can send a photo of the stone and cemetery.



I also have information and pictures of Benjamin Green's grave site which I can e-mail to you.  John


Yes I would like a picture of the grave sites of Henry and Benjamin. Is this his brother Benjamin or his dad?  My email address is,




Anita Wills



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