Genealogy Wise

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Anita Wills
  • Female
  • San Leandro, CA
  • United States
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  • Linda Yin Lee
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  • Martha Gale Torregrossa
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  • Candace Tillman
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  • Gerri Johnson Ratliff
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  • archie donald bangs
  • karen maureen scott
  • robyn anderson

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Anita Talks Genealogy

Anita Talks Genealogy on Blog Talk Radio. Sharing of tips and information on how to research and document Multi-Racial Ancestors. The show is based on the authors books, Notes and Documents of Free Persons of Color, and Pieces of the Quilt.See More
Oct 28, 2020
Paula Louise Spart joined Anita Wills's group

We Are Minqua- People & Culture of the Welsh Mountains (Southeastern Pennsylvania)

The Minqua were the inhabitants of the Welsh Mountain Region of Southeastern Pennsylvania. They formed a group of Tri-Racial Isolates, who lived together in Racial Harmony for decades. This site is dedicated to their History & Culture.See More
Oct 28, 2020
Anita Wills posted blog posts
Sep 15, 2019

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Baxter, Bonaparte, Martin, Ruth, Darby, Caldwell, Green, Pinn, Lewis, Bowden, Boyd, Evans, Jackson, Johnson
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Africa, America, England, Spain, Canada, South America
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Native and African American Genealogy, Free Persons of Color, Gullah Geechie Culture, Tri-Racial Communities of Southeastern Pennsylvania.
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Anita Talks Genealogy - Blog Talk Radio

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Anita Wills's Blog

Canada's Black Settlements & The Underground Railroad

Posted on February 23, 2010 at 8:00pm 0 Comments

The Underground Railroad was neither Underground, nor was it a Railroad. It was in essence a series of conductors, safe houses, trails along rivers, secret routes, sometimes walking, and other times hiding in wagons. Before Europeans arrived, North and South America was comprised of thousands of Native American Tribes. Native Cultures date back at least ten thousand years, having traveled over the Bering Strait into North…


The Christiana Resistance Precursor to the Civil War - Christiana Pennsylvania

Posted on August 27, 2009 at 1:51pm 0 Comments

The Christiana Resistance thought of in some corners as a precursor to the Civil War. It is one of the many events in American History that is not widely known.

"A major episode in African-American history, along with John Brown’s raid, was the Fugitive Slave Rebellion in Christiana. This event was a harbinger of the Civil War. Frederick Douglas referred to the Christiana Riot as “… the battle for liberty.”

On September 11, 1851, Slave owner Edward Gorsuch, his son… Continue

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At 2:15pm on June 19, 2013, Lisa A. (Thamm) Spegal said…

perhaps this might be the mill or one of them? I saw a different shot on the state park page:

just a thought, might be wrong

lots of photos on that site though :)

At 6:12pm on July 18, 2012, Martha Gale Torregrossa said…

Hi Anita,

Many od m mother's relatives came from Pennsylvania and in the area of Chester County, some of my mtdna matches for surnames are Greene, Proctor, Long, Silvers, and many more. I am Jewish and quiet and admixture. I am looking for information on Nancy Jane Manuel/Emanuel and her husband Johnson Brewigton of Sampson County, NC. Nancy's daughter was Polly Ann Brewington married to a  Bennett Jackson, his name may have been Arthur also. I a death certificate oly for Polly Ann Brewington with her parents and spouse's name on it. They are connected to the Brewington's of Tennessee and Sampson County and possibly South Carolina. My mtdna test shows that my maternal ancestors were European from Northern and western Europe. My haplogroup is H10e2 that evolved outside of Europe from Iberia before migrating to North Europe Russia and Finland. I do have Native American and Artic Ancestry. Basically a female from my maternal ancestors married a mulatto man of African and European ancestory or a black man and man and some continued to marry within the black american community while others married europeans and Native Americans. My desire is to find information on my Nancy Jane Manuel/Emanuel and her ancestors. Many of them left Pennsylvania and traveled through  West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia and finally settling west of the Catawba River, Lincolnton, Winston-Salem, Rockingham, Pender County, Wayne, Duplin and finally Sampson County and Cumberland County. I know that many of the family divided along racial and cultural stigmas. Some migraed to California, Mississippi,Florida,  Louisiana and Texas. While many left Sampson County and moved to Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. Michigan has the largest Finnish Community and much of my mtdna leads to Michigan, Wisconsin, Oregon, Utah, and Minnesota where you will find people of German and Finnish ancestry. The English side of my mother's ancestors lead to New York, Connecticutt, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire.

At 5:10pm on November 11, 2010, karen maureen scott said…
my husbands gggggggrandfather was in the revolutionary war,,after the war he came to nova scotia in 1783 his name was willam scott and joined in charles city va..he was a servent to berry harden,, In the book of negroes it says he born free about 1758.we would love to know who his parents were, or anything more about can e-mail me at,,,,, thanks karen
At 4:22pm on October 11, 2009, robyn anderson said…
i want to sincerly thak for post your family stories . i think they are so amazing and inciteful. i love learning about here . i am a history buff . hearing stories of those of fami;ies of long ago are so on point . i have heard stories though out my life about my family way back but i would love to learn more

At 6:29pm on August 30, 2009, Richard Bynum said…
Thanks Anita. My family is historically AME, so that's a great idea. I'll take a look and make a few calls to see what I can discover. Thanks again.
At 8:19am on August 24, 2009, Betsy Henderson said…
Hope you have received the informatin on the next family reunion in 2010 in Va. Beach. I did send your information to the Chairperson.
At 8:58am on July 15, 2009, CHASTITY said…
Welcome to, Anita!


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