Genealogy Wise

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Why is it I can never find anything here... I add my information on my family and read how lucky everyone else has been here... But nothing about my family>>>>>  I am doing something wrong here???? Is anyone here??? 

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Candy, sometimes it takes a while. This is not a heavily used forum. Try Try Are you providing enough information for people to be able to look up your requests?

Brownie MacKie....researching: Barry, Bibby, Bishop, Bonham, Bomar, Brannen, Burrow, Bush,Carter,Claybrook, Coombe, Cosby,Cox, Doswell, Drennan, Ellis,Ferguson, Fogleman (Vogleman), Fuller,Garland,Gould, Grady,Griffith, Harker, House, Hunt, Ing, Lamb, Lawrence,Letsinger, Livingston, McGary, McKisick (McKissick), Mills, Morris, Murphree, Nantz (Nance),North (Northern), O'Neill, Overton, Patton, Pleasanton, Shoffner, Tinney, Watkins,Willingham,Wilson, Wingfield, Younger
I believe so . This one of the few times anyone has replied. I will add some more information later today. Will download my tree.. Thank you answering I really though no one looked at this site...
If you'll go through the other topics, you'll find replies...just not many. Don't download your tree. Just give the pertinent info about from whom you descend ......what's the main line you want to research...dates....places....names. Don't ever reveal everything on a forum like this. I highly recommend you register and join GenForum (free). Lots of surnames and information and people there!

Good Luck.

ok thanks
Candy ....have you considered posting your information under a surname group site ....if one exists? I agree with Brownie; things take time. But surname sites give you access to a pool of researchers focused on that one topic. You can also begin a discussion forum under the umbrella of a surname site. Hope this information helps a little.
I do not think there is a surmane site tho.. Thanks
here is some info on the Rogers Family. Husband- Roy
Father - William E. -- Mother - Carrie Bulkley
G. Father - William P -- G. Mother - Daisy Hough
GG. Father - James -- GG. Mother --Melvina Bennett
GGG Father --Daniel --GGG Mother --Jemima Pettit

William P, James and Daniel Rogers were born in Pennsylvania around the Towada/ Bradford/ Greene areas of the state of Pennsylvania. If anyone is researching or from the area an would like to help me find information about these people please let me know.
Candy ....there's a Pennsylvania subgroup that you can join. .
Candy, what kind of information are you looking for on these people? Not sure what you already have or still need. PA can be tough at times, I had/have family in Bradford & Smethport areas, my dad was born in Pittsburgh. Wish there was more PA genealogy online, it just isn't as readily available it seems as some other places. If you give me a bit of info, I'll be happy to see what I can find to help you. Also, if you've never come into the chat room here, you might join us there as well, we like to try to help break down brick walls and all. There are some very knowledgeable folks there. Just a thought.
Let see . having trouble with husbands Grandfather William Phylemon Rogers b: 28 Mar 1876 in Towanda, Bradford,Pa ; died 29 Apr. 1954 in Campbell,Steuben CO,NY. Married to Daisy Jane Hough 04 Aug 1908 in NY. This much I can prove, Father of Wm P. was James Rogers b; in 1830 in Pa and Died; in1910 in Pa married to Melvina Bennett, b; 1831 Bradford, Pa and died 1923 in Smit, Bradford, Pa, James Father ? was Daniel Rogers b; 1806 in Pa , Died in 1883 in Ohio,married to Jemima Pettit b;1808 in Pa and died in 1886 in Greene, Pa, father of Daniel was William Rogers, married to Gerta Munce I have no dates listed for them. Just cannot seem to locate these people. Just cannot prove. James and Melvina were listed on Wm P Death Cert. But rest just taking someones word for them... Was told by father- n- law that the Rogers were Dutch, But again not able to prove. Any suggestions??? Thank you So much,,, I seem to have a hard getting around the sites in Pa, must be doing something wrong... Wii try to join in a chat room , Thank you again ...
Hi Candy, do you have these people in censuses or anything? What DO you have on them so I know what to look for or not to look for, thanks!
Sorry I never know how much to list on here.. Yes I have Census up to James and his wife Melvina, but nothing other than word of mouth for the rest of themafter James (Daniel And William ) I several cousins and other branches doing the same line and have used some of their basic information. Trying to prove or disprove has been my most hardest to date.. It just seems to dry up.. Not sure where they have found the info in the first place... They don't say ... or at least they will not to me... I know one cousin stated it really didn't matter to her if she could prove it or not.. I use caution when using her info.... Thank you for anything you can do... I hope this helps ..



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