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Katie Heitert Wilkinson
  • Female
  • Austin, TX
  • United States
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John Gene Parker commented on Katie Heitert Wilkinson's blog post Searching for Joseph
"Katie, I’m a bit confused. John & Mary are my great grandparents. I’d love to chat with you and get some clarification and more details. "
Jan 6, 2023

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At 7:25pm on August 19, 2010, PF said…
Thanks. I am only really lucky on one side. But I am very happy with all of them. I have been so lucky to have grandmother's and aunts who allowed me to take photo albums to kinko. I do love the old styles and hope that a little formality will come back in vogue while I am able to enjoy nice ties, tie clips, rings, etc. I frequently am complimented on my wardrobe and I barely pay much attention to it.
At 10:17pm on February 5, 2010, Ken Jones said…
Thanks for the comment,and yeah I was quit shocked when I read that.Her deposition was included with my grandfathers service record.You don't really expect to discover THAT kind of info when doing research. LOL
At 11:12am on October 12, 2009, Ken Jones said…
Thanks Katie. If you run across any Jones from southeastern Ky I'm looking for anything on Joshua,born abt. 1867 married to Susannah Back (Bach). ☺
At 8:14am on October 12, 2009, Ken Jones said…
Katie- Yes the Jones name is all to common to say the least which makes me wonder why. As far as any connection in our Jones line I have no idea. I have a problem with my Jones line in that I can find no information at all on my great-grandfather. I have been into genealogy for 10 years now and it is really my brick wall. He has never been found in any census or any other records. The only way I even know he existed is through family.
At 7:54pm on October 11, 2009, Ken Jones said…
Thanks for your comments on my blog. Before I do anymore research I need all the encouragement I can get. LOL
At 10:14pm on September 8, 2009, James Tanner said…
Two of the pages you sent seem to be the same, were there three pages or four? Just thinking. Thanks.
At 8:09am on September 8, 2009, James Tanner said…
No problem, what I usually do is look at the documents over a few days and study them each day to see what else I might be able to read or understand. I do have one question, did you say that you did or did not find his baptismal record?
At 6:53pm on September 7, 2009, James Tanner said…
Thanks, I would be glad to review the pages. Who knows? My e-mail is
Thanks again
At 4:33pm on September 6, 2009, James Tanner said…
The records you referred to in your original comment do not support the idea that the mother just left the baby at the Foundling Hospital without more. Did your grandfather ever try to find his mother or father? Do you have a digital copy of what was sent to you by the Closed Record Office? Did they give you digital copy or a photo copy? Have you asked to see the original record? Just a few questions.
At 1:39pm on September 6, 2009, James Tanner said…
I assume the date is 1882 not 1982? What do you know about the location of the Foundling Hospital? Who were the children left there? Where were the parents likely to live? You are right though, orphans and foundlings and illegitimate children all have the same type of problem. But occasionally you can find more information.

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Cong, County Mayo, Ireland; St. Louis, Missouri,;Philadelphia, PA, Pittsburgh,,Pa; Bryn Mawr, NJ; Madison County, Illinois; Newton County, Missouri; Scranton, PA ; New York, New York
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

" Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."

Anthony Brandt


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Posted on May 13, 2011 at 4:35pm 0 Comments

By pure conincidence, my dad's birthday and Mother's day are nearly back to back .... and sometimes, depending on the year, they fall on the same day.  Robert Daniel Heitert was born on May 9, 1922, in St. Louis, Missouri ...the youngest child of R. G. Heitert and Helen Wethmar Heitert.

"Big Pop" died in 2001after a lengthy struggle with congestive heart failure...just four days after his birthday.  He was a bit of a hell raiser as a young man least that's what I've been told. …



Posted on April 7, 2011 at 3:44pm 0 Comments

Do you have days when you wish your interest in documenting your family's history had sprouted and put down roots when you were ....oh, about 10 or 11 years old?  I certainly do.  Why didn't I notice that we never seemed to talk about my dad's side of the family in our home?  Why didn't we ask his parents all those great questions like "how did you meet?" or "what were your brothers and sisters like?"  Perhaps because my maternal grandmother lived with us and the fact that she was actually…


She Walked This Earth

Posted on March 30, 2011 at 4:22pm 0 Comments

I've learned from my research over the last two years that my paternal great great grandmother Catherine Josephine Connelly Jones was a survivor of the first degree.  Born in County Leitrim, Ireland, about 1829, she endured the Great Hunger.  A letter found in her Civil War Widow's Pension file came all the way from Mohill, County Leitrim, from the priest who married Catherine and her husband James R. Jones in 1849.  Nearly 15 years later, her remebered them both well.  The information that…


The Scoundrel in My Wood Pile

Posted on July 15, 2010 at 1:00pm 1 Comment

James R. Jones there's a name I'd never heard until becoming addicted to family research.

Jamie, me bucko, you're my 3rd great grand pop on my dad's side of the clan. It's been great to meet you .... even if only through paper documents. A terrible shame it is that not one of the Heiterts of the last generation knew your story. Then again .... perhaps they did but decided to take the better part of caution. Trust me, Jamie; I never…


Welcome to the Heart of the Family

Posted on October 20, 2009 at 10:30pm 0 Comments

Doors are more than just doors.....Perhaps this cryptic statment would benefit from some clarification. Any one of us could look at a door and say, "that's an aluminum frame with screen to keep bugs out and let the breezes in. Or..."what a grand slab of carved wood with leaded glass inserts and gleaming hardware.

I, on the other hand, look at the doors in my family's two different homes and see something entirely different. The ones which I keep in memory lack any level of… Continue


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