Genealogy Wise

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James Tanner
  • Male
  • Mesa, AZ
  • United States
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  • Lillian Alline Champagne
  • Donna Moughty
  • Winifred McNabb
  • Kent A Jefferies
  • S. J. Cruse
  • Keren
  • Sue Pearson Greichunos
  • Allen McClain
  • Kathy Wilson
  • Kate Steere
  • Holly T. Hansen
  • Marjorie Anne STEIN
  • Susi (Susan C Jones)  Pentico
  • Bruce Buzbee
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Tanner, Overson, Jarvis, Christensen, Thomas, Springthorpe,
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Professional Genealogist
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Online resources, New England and US sources in general
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James Tanner's Blog

Genealogist's View -- More about memory cards -- Part two

Posted on January 27, 2011 at 8:03am 0 Comments -- Public Domain

Digital memory is measured in bits and bytes. I am not going to get into a…


Genealogist's View -- More about memory cards

Posted on January 27, 2011 at 8:02am 0 Comments

The names chosen by the manufacturers of memory cards are not helpful. They seldom give you any idea what the product is or can do. Since, in my experience, genealogists are consumers of flash memory and purchase digital cameras, it would be convenient to know what you are looking at when making a purchase without doing a search on the Internet. Unfortunately the memory card landscape is just about as complicated as buying a new car (although they cost a whole lot less than cars). I think this… Continue

Dispelling some myths about flashdrives

Posted on January 25, 2011 at 9:35pm 0 Comments

Back on January 11, 2011 I wrote a post entitled, "Update on the reliability of flashdrives." I am certainly not immune to believing Internet Myths. I am fan of the MythBusters program on TV (which I am too busy to watch) but interestingly some of the myths they set out to disprove actually turn out to be true. But the opposite is very much more likely. Information passed around on the Internet…


A very strange experience

Posted on December 10, 2010 at 6:42am 3 Comments

I do not spend as much time as I would like to at the Mesa Regional Family History Center, but I regularly teach classes and help patrons. We have a lot of computers for patron use and a man and a woman came into the center and were sitting down to use a computer. I happened to be the closest missionary/volunteer and so I got the brunt of their extreme displeasure. It seems that the Center has spent considerable time re-designing their start-up screen to make it easier for patrons to find…


Google eBooks -- is this the beginning of the end for libraries?

Posted on December 6, 2010 at 6:33pm 1 Comment

As you can see from this short video, Google eBooks are device

independent. As they say in the movie, "Access all your ebooks

wirelessly, no matter where you go. Google eBooks stores your library

in the digital cloud, so you can read all of your favorite books using

just about any device with an Internet connection. Google eBooks is

compatible with Android phones, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, web browsers

and many supported eReaders. Whenever you open one of… Continue

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At 2:53am on July 31, 2010, Sue Pearson Greichunos said…
James, it's been some time but today I stopped in the GenealogyWise website to see what new developments or information there are here. While reading a group page discussion, I saw reference to the Michael DeGroote article in the Mormon Times, and it piqued my interest. Of course, then I saw your counterpoint blog entry about the article and I had to read that as well. Several blog entries later, I am hooked on your Genealogy's Star blog site, your writing style, and the range of genealogical topics you cover there. In particular, I have taken away some very useful guidance as to photo storage media from your 26 July entry. Just wanted you to know I am enjoying your blog site. Okay, yes, that makes me a groupie, I guess. Best regards, Sue
At 9:15am on September 8, 2009, Katie Heitert Wilkinson said…
Sorry - I must have "added" before I was ready.

...Born on the fifteenth day of February 1892 and Baptised on the sixteenth day of March 1982 according to the rites of the Holy Catholic Church by Rev. J. B. McGovern, O.P. Of St Vincent Ferrer's Catholic Church of New York.

New York, July 5, 1927 Rev. W. G. Moran, O. P.

I noticed that the birth date assigned to my grandfather was the date he was "admitted" to the Foundling --- even though he was considered to be approximately one month old. Doctors came on a regular basis to the Foundling to determine the age and physical well being of the babies.

Don't know if any of this helps.

At 9:07am on September 8, 2009, Katie Heitert Wilkinson said…
James, the certificate I have is a duplicate of baptismal information made out in 1927 the Foundling. My grandfather had requested it that year; from this I inferred that perhaps he may never have received an original.

His name is lister as Joseph Dernier.

The certificate reads: "This is to certify that Joseph Dernier
At 7:32pm on September 7, 2009, Katie Heitert Wilkinson said…
James - you are a prince! Are you certain looking at them is not an impostion?
At 5:45pm on September 6, 2009, Katie Heitert Wilkinson said…
All good ones, James. Perhaps I used the word "abadoned" too loosely. The records I received are copies of microfisches of the originals. I've not been to New York to see the records. To my knowledge they no longer exist. The impression I got from the woman to whom I spoke on the phone was that records were microfisched and then destroyed. I called the office the day after I received the documents in the mail. Even though they told me certain things, they provoked as many questions for me. When I asked for some assistance in interpreting some notations, I was told that the woman simply copied the records; she did not know anything about them.

My grandfather was killed when he was 33, but I never got the impression from my grandmother or my mother that he ever pursued trying to find his birth mother. The only thing I know for certain is that he requested a copy of his baptismal information in 1927. My grandmother requested similar information from Ireland in the same year. We surmise they might have been planning a trip to Ireland and were going to apply for passports.

Would you like me to e-mail the three pages I was sent to you? Perhaps you might infer something I have not.
At 2:08pm on September 6, 2009, Katie Heitert Wilkinson said…
James --- I appreciate your reply. First I need to corrct the date I listed --- It should be 1892. The New York Foundling Hospital is still located on Lexington near St. Vincent Ferrer's Catholic Church in Manhattan. In fact, I began my search at St. Vincent's.

The Foundling was run by the Daughter of Charity. They made a habit of leaving cradles in the foyers for the infants of mothers who wished to remain anonymous.

Children came to the Foundling under a variety of circumstances. Some, like my grandfather, were abandoned in the vestibule. Others were brought to the hospital by parents simply unable to care for them. Many of these parents believed the placement would be temporary. In most cases, it was not. Still other children were removed from homes because of inadequate or absent parenting, inadequate food, unsuitable shelter, or squalid conditions. The last group came to the Foundling through the sisters' outreach to young, pregnant women. They invited them to move into the hospital to receive care, bear their babies in a supportive environment, nurse them for a period of time, and then leave the babies with the sisters.

At some point, the sisters participated in the orphan train phenomenon or the 19th century.

I've even thought of having one of my male cousins who carries my grandfather's genetic markers take a DNA test to see if we might be able to identify anyone from his family line.

What would you suggest?


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