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For those who use--or are interested in using--any version of RootsMagic genealogy software

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3D Family Tree software - looking for beta testers

Started by Pierre Clouthier. Last reply by Pierre Clouthier Feb 27, 2013. 3 Replies

Roots Magic TO GO

Started by Michael Stills. Last reply by Michael Stills Apr 29, 2011. 5 Replies


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Comment by Michael Stills on March 27, 2012 at 6:17pm

RootsMagic Suggestion.  I now have a widescreen monitor.  RootsMagic lets you see either 5 or 6 generation pedigrees.  With widescreen monitors becoming more popular, perhaps we can increase the number of generations we can see onscreen?  Minor request.  Thank  you.

Comment by Michael Stills on March 27, 2012 at 6:15pm

On this forum, Oct 2010, I had asked about fixing broken media links by designated folder.  I see that is now an option in the new update.  Thanks RootsMagic!

Comment by Renee Zamora on April 29, 2011 at 7:28pm
No, the only option is to revert to an earlier backup of your databases before the merge took place.
Comment by Brenda K. Wolfgram Moore on April 29, 2011 at 5:55pm
Is there a relative easy way to UNmerge two files that should not have been merged?
Comment by Renee Zamora on April 29, 2011 at 4:53pm

Karen,  The link below is to a Knowledge Base article on how to solve that.

Comment by Karen Struve on April 19, 2011 at 6:48pm
When I create a GEDCOM in RootsMagic and attempt to open it in FamilyTreeMaker (don't worry, I'm not leaving my RootsMagic) I get the error message "GEDCOM file must be version 5.5 or higher"  I don't see anywhere in RootsMagic where I can choose the version of GEDCOM.  What am I missing here?
Comment by Renee Zamora on February 5, 2011 at 2:26pm

I've not had a problem with downloading the webinars.  My suggestion is to post in the RM Forums on the webinar thread and see if other users have experienced this. I'm sure the issue is more with your computer than with the actual link or file.

Comment by Karen Struve on January 22, 2011 at 7:15pm

Is anyone else having a problem downloading the Webinars? Here is the error message I am receiving:

Windows Media Player Error Message Help

You've encountered error message C00D11B1 while using Windows Media Player. The following information might help you troubleshoot the issue.

Cannot play the file

Windows Media Player cannot play the file. You might encounter this error message for one of the following reasons:

  • Your sound device, such as a sound card or sound controller, requires an updated driver. To determine if an updated driver is available, see Windows Update at the Microsoft Web site, or see the sound device manufacturer's Web site.

  • Your sound device is not functioning properly. Try using Device Manager to check the status of your sound device.

     To check the status of your sound device

  • You do not have a sound device installed on your computer. Install a sound device, and then try to play the file again. For details, see your computer manufacturer's or sound device manufacturer's Web site.

  • You are trying to play a file on the Internet and the server might be temporarily unavailable or there might be a network issue. Try again later.

  • You are trying to play an MP3 file that contains compressed ID3 headers. The ID3 header is a portion of the file that stores the song's album information (for example, the song name, artist name, album name, and genre). This information is sometimes called a "tag."

    To fix the problem, make a copy of the file and then use a non-Microsoft ID3 tag editing program to remove or reset the file's ID3 headers. After you remove the ID3 headers, Windows Media Player should be able to play the MP3 file.

    Attempting to remove ID3 headers might damage the file and make it unplayable. Therefore, always make a copy of the file before you edit it.

    If this solution does not resolve the problem, the file might be corrupted.


Comment by Patricia Cummings Beran on January 6, 2011 at 12:16pm
I have entered about 1800 individuals, pictures and documents on my Rootsmagic program. While on the "genealogy trail", I met a long lost cousin who also has a ton of info/pictures. I have suggested he buy the program, but what's the easiest way to transfer all my info and upload to his brand new/empty Rootsmagic program?
Comment by Renee Zamora on October 13, 2010 at 9:22pm
There isn't a way right now to designate which folders to search in. It has been added as an enhancement request at RM. You can do a search & replace on your media links that might speed things up for you.

Search>Search & Replace>Field to Search = Multimedia filenames.

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