Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I've been doing genealogy now for only 2 years and am totally hooked. I've seen ad's about genealogical or family history meetings or seminars put on by the pro's. Can someone tell me what these are like and why you would encourage people to attend? Are there costs? Also - is there a certain place to go on the web to see when one will be on your area? I am from Portland Oregon.

I'm very curious about it. People or articles are always talking about them, but I do not know what goes on there.


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You can pay or you can attend free ones. Check out your local public library for a start. You might learn about new resources you are unaware of that can assist you with your research. Genealogy Wise has an area where events can be posted and promoted - why don't you start right here?
Another advantage about attending meetings and seminars is the connections you can make with other people with similiar interests. People informally share their knowledge with each other too.
First you join a local genealogy society-which is usually dirt cheap. Ours is $15 a year and includes a Gazette-loaded with material-newly published-from this area (South=West Ga)
These people are always willing to give you free help and advise.
Seminars- I attended the Fl. State one-with a friend, and my cost was $75 for two nights in Orlando. They vary. Sometimes by what you call Pro's and some-as the one we give-which cost $ by people with many years experience-just not the little piece of paper. I have been into genealogy over 20 years, and I always learn something new.
Probably you can get a TOUR to Salt Lake City, from your area-which is like HEAVEN to most Genealogist. Your local group usually knows what is going on in a wider area.
Ms. Gerry Hill-Albany Ga
i would try to check on a local gen society. they usually are in touch with what goes on in your area. i have been researching for 20 plus years now and find that there is always more i can learn. if you do find a class (s) or seminar, just check to see what topics they cover. if it is something that you can learn from and it fits into your budget...give it a try. i think the best thing i get out of a wider network of friends and sometimes others have a fresh eye on things.
Got one coming up in Lansing, Michigan:
Here is an event our genealogy society is having:

JOIN US! The Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc., 35th Annual Meeting and Conference, November 6, 2010, at Courtyard Marriott, Marlborough, MA. Enjoy these speakers :

We will be having an Ancestor Road Show (in which an attendee may seek genealogy advice with a NEAPG professional genealogist for 15 minutes), Family tree project displays, vendors, raffles and silent auction.

For a program schedule, registration form, speaker profiles, list of vendors, and directions, please visit our website:

Deadlines for Early Reservation:
· Conference – Reservations must be received by October 16th, 2010
Members – No charge (registration is required)
Non-Members - $25.00
· Lunch – $30.00 (checks must be received by October 16th, 2010)

Deadlines for Late Reservation:
· Conference – October 18th thru November 6th, 2010
Members – No charge (registration is required)
Non-Members - $35.00
· Lunch - $35.00 (checks must be received by October 25th, 2010
No lunch reservations will be accepted after October 25th, 2010
No lunches will be sold at the door on the day of the conference
No Brown Bag lunches may be eaten on hotel premises

35th Anniversary Souvenir Program Book:
· The 35th Anniversary Souvenir Program Book can be ordered for $7.00, the order and check must be received by October 25th, 2010

It will be a fun day!

Karen Trearchis ( I have learned so much by attending conferences and had a lot of fun,too!)



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