Genealogy Wise

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Reverand John Collinsworth born 1786 Brunswick Co Va to William and "Abba", died Putnam Co Ga 1834.
He had two brothers-in Ga-who moved on-
William was a Minister also and died 1846 E. Feleciana, La. Thomas died 1836 Amita Co Ms.
His sister Sarah married Samuel Steagle-and they were in Henry Co Ga
His sister Mary married a Luker.
His sister Hannah married Josiah Ballard and died 1826 Morgan Co Ga (2 more husbands)
His sister Elizabeth born 1790 NC (And the last one NC) died Jackson Parish La and married David Taylor Woodard Cook.

Folks I want you to know-the way I can tell if a search engine is good-after over 20 years of Genealogy-is to try the surname Collinsworth! If there are any- OK!!

Ms Gerry Hill-Albany Ga
(William son of John and Hannah White, sin if Edmund)

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The problem my mother and I are having is with my Great Grandmother Eva Collinsworth, (I think that is her name), She was grandfathers mother. She was a Lacey and we are having a hard time tracing her.
You would always need to give dates and places, to help others with your answer. Were these in the areas I mentioned, time frame I mentioned? Or did you need to start a new thread?
Can't find any more on the Lacey's. It is difficult my mother knows the reason's for the difficulties better then I. Thanks.
Would this John Collinsworth be a Methodist preacher? The reason I ask is that my gg grandfather, John Collinsworth Treadway (b. 1813 m. Rebecca Chapman) was a Methodist, as were his parents. I've tried to figure out where he got his middle name. Although I've found a Collins living nearby in SC c. 1800 or so, I can't find the surname of Worth to go with it. And I haven't been able to find a Collinsworth connection. Where did your John Collinsworth live in SC and GA? My Treadways were in what is now Barnwell Co. and Pendleton Co., SC. In GA they were in the very northwestern county at the time they lived there. I don't know what I've done with my atlas to see how close Barnwell Co. SC is to Putnam Co. GA. Please respond. I'm wondering if my gg grandfather may have been named for a preacher? His father, Richard Treadway (m. Nancy Smith), would have been around the age of your John Collinsworth, I believe, if my memory is serving me. Yes, his birthdate was Sept. 13, 1787.
Well, SC-the State-is nowhere near Putnam Co Ga- Putnam is almost in the middle of Ga- a big state.
He was a Methodist-one of the few early ones-a Horseback, bible thumping one. (Hell and Damnation)
He converted at age 13-and started preaching. SC Conf. 1807-Charleston. From there a leper colony in Ga-the 1st one, and that was near SC.
1808- METHODIST PREACHERS IN GA 1783-1900 Edited by Harold Lawrence- Gives SC Conf.
(p. 406) 1808 Remaining on Trial, South Carolina, John Collinsworth (p. 428)
Camden District, Montgomery. John Collinsworth.
(p. 440) 1809 Deacons, South Carolina Conference. John Collinsworth. (p.455) Stationed South
Ogeechee District, Augusta and Louisville} John Collinsworth, John Rye
1810 Ordained Elders, South Carolina Conference. John Collinsworth.Also Missionaries. (p. 483)
Statione1d South Carolina, Sparta District, St. Mary's John Collinsworth (Ogeechee);(p. 470)

He was moved every 6 months and often served two places at once.
1811 Warrenton (Ogle.) (p. 523)
1811. Stationed, South Carolina District, Ogeechee District, Warrenton. John Collinsworth.
(p. 558) 1812. Preachers Stationed as Follows: South Carolina District. Congoree, Osborn Rogers.
John Collinsworth, to change after 6 months with Osborn Rogers.BIOGRAPHICAL ETCHINGS
Camden S.C.,Brunswick, 1808 Montgomery, 1809 Augusta,Louisville,1810
Sparta,Hancock,Ga., 1811 Warrenton, 1812 Columbus,
1812 Washington St. United Methodist Church Columbia, SC.
1814-15 Methodist Minister,Presiding Elder, Edisto Dist.
1812 Columbia (6 Mo)( Broad. River)
1812 Congaree,
1813-Dec. 16 Morgan Co. Ga- John married Sarah McLendon and Washington St. Marriage page #113 Page # 97
1813 Alcovi (Oconee 1814-15) P
(p. 593) 1813. Souith Carolina Conference [numbers: white/colored] Oconee District, Alcovi: 986/131
(p. 602)
South Carolina Conference, Oconee District, Alcovi. John Collinsworth, John Bunch.BIOGRAPHICAL
ETCHINGS ...p.67-68.
1814 E Edisto Dist.
1815-16 John Collinsworth married M. L. Scarborough-- Morgan Co??? Columbia Co. ??? Edisco
He stayed in Morgan County long enough to buy land.
He was an original settler of Putnam, which is not that far from Morgan.
1816-18-20 Morgan Co.Ga. 1830-34 Eatonton,Putnam,Ga. Written up in Church histories,and
with roads in Ga., school, etc. named after him.
Possibly had an earlier marriage, or a younger brother with him- male in 1820 15/20 years old.
Started preaching at about 9 years old.
Minister Coweta Ga p 598 American Gen Index Vol 32 Colburne-Amersone Us A 55
Editor Fremont Rider #L5313 William p 598 and Henry p 297 and Horace p 287.
1816 Located ill health
1817- Nov. 11- Married by John Zachariah Cox and Margaret Morrow Lic List 181-page 187 page 93-
SOME GA COUNTY RECORDS- Lucas Vol 2 Morgan Co. Ga.
Announcement 1817- 19 Nov - Married in Morgan County on 11th inst. By Rev. Mr. Collingsworth,
Dr. Zachariah Cox of Putnam County to Miss Margaret Morrow, dau. of Ewing Morrow, Esc.
1817-Nov. 15-Tax List-McClendon Dist. Morgan Co Ga
John Collinsorth 1 slave 75- 1/2 lot 102 1/2 acres 161 Land Lot
(Aug 25 1825-He purchassed Rest of Land Lot )(Total 202 1/2)
1817-Nov 15-Indenture-Morgan Co Ga
Between Daniel McLenan & John Collinsworth $250 202 1/2 acres 1/4 of county was Baldwin, Now
Morgan lot #178 NW by Lot #160 SW by Lot #144
1818- Morgan Tax List
John Collinsworth 42
1818-Jan. 13 SOME GEORGIA COUNTY RECORDS-Lucas page 94-Marriage- Morgan Co. Ga.
of John Sewell & Lucy Ware-by John Collinsworth
Announcement 1818- 27 Jan Married in Morgan County on 12th inst. By Rev’d John Collingsworth
the Rev’d John Sewell to Miss Lucy Ware, daughter of Nicholas Ware, Esq.
1820 Morgan Tax List
Collingsworth, John 32
1820 Census Capt. McClendon's Dist., 336..Morgan Co Ga
Male 16-18 26-45
Female under 10 (2) females 16-26 26-45.1 Free Colored Person
1821 Jul. 1 List of Letters John Collinsworth Madison, Morgan, Ga.

He had ill health for a while-but did not die until 1834. Roads, Children, Schools etc. were named for him, so I guess he was pretty good at what he did.

Georgia & Georgians-Knight- pg.1393-4
Biography of George F Pierce The Demosthenes of Southern Methodism
(has picture) tells of "the beginning of his career-as a candidate for licence to preach-
The Presiding elder was John Collinsworth, a man of iron whom neither fear nor favor could
deflect from the straight path. He was goverened by the strictest rules of propriety, some of which
were quite antiquated. According to his notions, a Methodist was a man set apart; and he must
show by every mark, external as well as internal, that he was a stranger to worldliness. It happened
that young Pierce's hair arose somewhat abruptly from his forehead, or, to quite John Collinsworth,
"stood up." He also gave offense to the good man by coming to church in a suit of blue broadcloth,
with brass buttons, and by wearing a smile which indicated a lack of proper seriousness. As for the
yourh's apparen, it was the suit of clothes in which he graduated at Athens: the gift of his fond father.
But John Collinsworth was bent upon doing what he conceived to be his duth in the matter; and on
the day he was to appear before the session of church he said to him, kindly but firmly;
"George, these people want you to be recommended for license, but if you get the recommendation,
this coat must come off."
"But", insisted the youth, "I have no other Sunday coat."
Still the old man was unmoved. "My son", said he, "this coat must come off.".
"Well" retorted the youth, "if you are going to license my coat and not me, I will change it, but I do
not expect to change it until I am obliged to get another."
(The church meeting was held-deliberated, and the preacher was on the minority side. George got
to keep his coat.)
But the old man was not thoroughly reconciled and some time later he said to the young man:
"George, why do you wear your hair like you do? Bishop Asbury brushed his down. You brush your
" I have a cowlick, Uncle Collinsworth," replied he. "Besides, God made my hair to grow up, and I
cannot make it grow down."
Thereupon the old man dismissed the subject by telling George that he was too airy.
The Scruples of John Collinsworth illistrate the simple habits which characterized the early
pioneers of Methodism."
1822-Morgan Tax List
Colingsworth, John 42
1823-Morgan Tax List 40
1825-Aug 25-Indenture-Morgan Co Ga
Between Jonathan Ball & John Collinsworth of said Co $1000 from John 205 1/2 acres #161
bounded NE by #178 NW by #160 Parellel to #178 drawn by John Hall of Montgomery Conveyed to
Enoch Hall (As other lot) to said Jonathan
1827 Oct. 1 List of Letters Mildred Collinsworth " " "
1828- May 16- John of Morgan Co. bought in Putnam for $500 on Rd. leading from Eatonton to
Madison 145 3/25 acres from Vincent R. Porter of Putnam.
1828 Jul. J 54 Letters not picked up. John Collinsworth " "
1828 May 3 Mon. Assigned Milledgeville Dist. SG
1828 Oct List of Letters Madison Morgan.
1828-1832 Vol II List of Letters 1830 Madison, Morgan
1828 Alcovi., Milledgeville
1829 Mont. & Mad
1830 Greensboro (Greene Co Ga) & Eatonton, Ga Conf. (Putnam Co Ga)
1830- Census-Capt. Thomas Wilkins Dist.- Putnam Co Ga
males 0/5 15/20 40/50
females 0/5 5/10 10/15 15.20 30/40
1830 Madison Morgan
Mission to Blacks on Sugar Creek Mill Dist.
HISTORY OF METHODISM IN Al. & W. Florida by M E Lazenby mentions Collinsworth Inst. a school
Collinsworth Family of NC about your line...
probably established by John Collinsworth..
1831-3 Mis. to black slaves on Jagar Cr. Lit Rv. 1834 Eatonton, Clinton, Scott, WJ Biographical
Ethings p 67-68 Ref.
1832- Feb 2-Georgia Journal pg 3
Mission to Blacks Jesse Sinclair (area not mentioned) & John Collinsworth Sugar Creek, Oconee
Dist.- J Evans P.E.
1833 Mar. 7 He married T. Rogers dtr. of Henry--Kindrick... Putnam
1833 Aug. 5 He married another couple Putnam
1834-Jan 20 Dtr Mary Elizabeth married Jeptha Bell-Morgan Co Ga
1834 May 8 Rev. Collinsworth married a couple in Putnam...Mr. David Irby and Martha___.
1834 Sep. 4 He died.
He was a man of great firmness and strong individuality, making no compromise with the world; a
veritable Elijah, on the sterness of his rebuke, noted for his plain living and untiring industry."
pg 116 There was a Land by Judge Robert H. Jordan 1971 Available for purchase Chamber of
Commerce Talbotton
1834- Sept 10- Files of Southern Recorder-Milledgeville
On the 4th inst., in his 51 year at his residence near Eatonson, Rev. John Collinsworth, an itinerant
minister of the Methodist Church. He was converted in his 13th year. Wife and seven children.
1835 Will Proved 18 Jun. wife Mildred .
GEORGIA GEN. MAG. #18 p 1201. He left 7 children.
(From Morgan Co Ga-originals-Mildred Louisa Collinsworth, Isham Branham, Josiah Flounow, L W
Hudson- Exs)
Putnam Co. Ga. Will Bk. B 1822-1857
FAMILY HISTORY STUART by Rachel W. Cambell (Ga Archives-Atlanta) p 104- John Collinsworth
sons William, Fletcher, Miles, Thomas (Other children not named)
wife Mildred Laura. Esecutors, wife and friends, Issiah Flourney, J.W. Hudson, G.R. Thomas
WW June 18 1835 WP Nov. 1 1834
I John Collinsworth, revoking all others, appoint this my last will and Testament. My will is that all my
property be kept to-gether-as each child settles off that such things be given the child as can be
afforded without weakening the family.
My watch I give my son, William Fletcher, also my old travelling Bible. My Pollegllott Bible I give to my
son Thomas Miles. I wish each child fo have a portion of my books and if possible a set of Wesley's
Standard works.
Upon the death of my wife the property to be equally divided among the living children of their
children, the fruit of their own bodys; the black people to be valued and then to choose their own
masters, whether my children or others. In case my wife should marry if in the judgement of my three
of my executors it is best for the property to stand as it was, let it be so, if not let there be an equal
division, my wife drawing a child's part; the black people disposed of as aforesaid. I appoint that
Charles and Dicy, after they come to be 62 years old, that they be supported by the children, and have
their chioce of where to live. Charles is now 42 and Dicy 27 years old.

I appoint my wife Mildred ___ Collingsworth with my friends, Josiah Flournoy, Isham B ___ and L. W.
Hudson as executors of my will. In case either of these friends should die or move away that others
should be chosen by their survivors. John Collingsworth-Seal
Witnesses L. W. Hudson, G. R. Thomas Monday 12 Oct 1835
1842-Dec &-Admin Minute B 230 Inv. B 230
1843-Jan 4-Inv & Appr. A 40
1848-May 1-Leave to Sell

American Ganealogical Index Vol 32 Colburne-Amersene..Ester Fremont Rider
#L5313 USA 33 John Minister Coweta Ga p 598 Wm Minister p 578 Coweta Ga Henry p 297
can not read..another p 287.
This old letter copy says there is a book in Salt Lake Gen Lib on the Orrin

Southern Christian Advocate
Capt. John Collinsworth Allen of Pike county, Ga., was born July 1838 and died 2d of March 1870. John P. Duncan, Pastor.

1834-Collinsworth Chapel was built-Rev. John Collinsworth was a former pastor. They met first in a
home, then a log cabin.
1859-Talbot Co Ga- Rev. Lovick Pierce-dedicated Collinsworth Chapel .

Ms. Gerry Hill-Albany Ga

Methodist Preachers in Georgia 1783-1900
Minutes of the Methodist Conferences, Annually Held in America; From 1773 to
1813, Inclusive. Volume the First. Originally published by Daniell Hitt and
Thomas Ware for the Methodist Connexion in the United States. John C.
Totten, Printer. New York. 1813. Reprint by Magnolia Press, 1983.
Gerry, thanks so much for replying. I was so overwhelmed when I read all the info you have on your John Collingsworth. I printed out your info to study. As the early Methodist preachers were mainly circuit preachers, I would not be surprised if my gg grandfather, Richard Treadway, might have met up with your ancester and was very impressed with him....enough to name a child after him. John Wesley was in Georgia also. In Sunday school the other day, a preacher gave a history of him. He married in Georgia, but the marriage only lasted for a short while. AND he was on his horse a many places. Thanks for taking the time to write all you did. Now, I need to find the path my ancesor took from SC through GA. (John Collinsworth Treadway married in SC. The next place I found him was NW Georgia. Sometime he was to have lived in eastern TN). At least, after his death, he was said in a history of NE AR to have lived several years in eastern TN. Those writers did not always get their facts straight (it was a WPA project), but it's a lead. I haven't found him or his father in TN. I also did not find John C. Treadway in GA until he was married and had a few children. This was in NW Georgia. A person can go a long way in 10 years though. If you have the names of your John Collinsworth, his children as well as his wife, this could provide more clues. Again this ancestor, John Collingsworth Treadway was the son of Richard Treadway who lived in Pentleton Co. John's grandffather, Richard's fater, lived in Barnwell Co. (Winton Co. at the time or also known as District 96) SC. Although I know John's father lived in Pendleton Co., SC, I'm not sure how long John lived there. I also wonder if he may have spent time with his grandfather in Barnwell Co., SC. I did find a John C. Treadway buying land in Barnwell Co, SC the year he married. He sold it the same or next year. That could have been the year he left there. Although his father, Daniel Treadway, spent most of his adult life in Pendleton Co., SC (I believe he was a surveyor), John's grandfather was a justice in Barnwell Co., SC. John's grandfather was also named Richard Treadway.

Again, many thanks for your time. That's the way we find interesting clues to our family, and helps us research on. Linda
I am not sure you are familiar with this free site:
There were plenty of your RIchard Treadway there.
John's children had mundane names for the most part. There were only a couple of males.
Mary Elizabeth 1815
Martha Lane 1819-mine
Susan C 1824
Mandonia Mitchell 1825
William Fletcher 1826
Sophia Mary 1829
Thomas Miles 1832
And I think his wife was the child of Miles Scarborough-
John was the son of William Collinsworth born 1754 Brunswick Co Va- died 1799 Newberry SC and Aba- (Abigail I imagine) John's younger brother William was a Methodist Minister-and in the same area as him for a while then on to E Faliciana Parish, La where another brother Thomas had gone earlier. Thomas wound up in Amite Ms.
Yep, I know my Methodist History-better than most. I was born into a Methodist home and babtised when I was 9, into the church. at 11 I went to a Methodist girls boarding school in Thomasville Ga, where I stayed to Graduation. We had History every day- in a Bible Course we took in school. We had devotion in the morning, afternoon and evening. And of course were all bussed off to a Methodist church on Sunday.
Plus-I am still a Methodist. So at 72- I have known quite a few Bishops in my Ga. I was reading in the bullitan just yesterday that at Epworth- the Methodist camp in Jeckl Island, they were having some of the old great retired ministers speak each day. I did not see any of my names, but have quite a few stored up in this old brain!
Collinsworth History is that 5 brother (Hey not 3 this time) came from Robin Hood County, Nottingham England - transported from England to Barbados in the ship Alexander May 2 1635.
John was transported to Md.

My earliest proven one is Edmund 1700 Va died Feb 1752 Richmond, Va
All the children's names are English too- John David Edward Hannah Sarah James William
I have John b a 1720 m 1750 Hannah White Richmond, Henrico, Va (They had Wm.)

Hooton's List of Immigrants 1600-1700
Early Settlers of Md by Gust Skordas

Your James Richard shown born 1842 Ga 1860 in Russell Co Al, which is just over the bridge from Columbus, Muscogee, Ga- (Phenix City Al) Ancestry shows him in 1850 East Armuchee, Walker, Ga With his father and family.
John Collinsworth was in 1840-Stewart Co Ga. which is not that far from my area. And Greene Co Ar 1860-70. There is an a in the name. Not sure how long you have been into Genealogy-but always allow for different spellings.
I always do a timeline.
Take the children in the 1850 Census-and see where they were all born, and you can usually see when he came to Ga. Count the ones born before 1840-before looking at the census- Ashe NC, Chattooga, Ga, and Jasper Ga, unless you count the John T. Anson NC
Then go backward to 1830 etc. (First child born 1835 Ga) Both Parents SC
Since your John Collinsworth Treadaway was born 1813-he could have been named for mine-but awfully early in his ministry.
And he was in the Morgan Co Ga area-this is as close as I can get time wise-
1813 Alcovi (Oconee 1814-15) P
(p. 593) 1813. Souith Carolina Conference [numbers: white/colored] Oconee District, Alcovi: 986/131
(p. 602)
South Carolina Conference, Oconee District, Alcovi. John Collinsworth, John Bunch.BIOGRAPHICAL
ETCHINGS ...p.67-68.
Mapping them out with what you know is great too.
It is MORE LIKELY-that one of the girls back in SC-married a Treadway.

Linda Graves:

My ancestor was baptized by Rev. John Collinsworth, so he became William John Collinsworth Timmons, in his family, they all seemed to be named after a minister that was in the area or the doctor that delivered them, so perhaps your Treadway ancestor was baptized by Rev. John Collinsworth. It is something to check out.


I think you repplied to me instead of the Treadway researcher I was answering. I have John Collingsworth.
Sorry, I did press reply to Linda, but they put it under yours. I tried it twice, and the same thing happened.
Sorry, Gerry, I did it a third time and it still replied to you. Perhaps she will see it.
My ancestor was baptized by Rev. John Collinsworth. It could be your ancestor was too. It seemed during this time they were named after ministers or doctors that delivered them. My ancestor was William John Collinsworth Timmons



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