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Computer Troubleshooting Angels


Computer Troubleshooting Angels

This group was created for people who research their families on the computer, and then all of a sudden it crashes, or the computer does not work, or the scanner will not scan the picture. This group was formed to make sure people can use their p.c.

Members: 49
Latest Activity: Oct 28, 2020

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Tech Support 911-We're here to help!

Started by Gail Winstanley. Last reply by Ms. Gerry Hill Dec 19, 2011. 10 Replies

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Comment by Ms. Gerry Hill on December 19, 2011 at 6:31pm

A Small thing- but on Foxfire- the setting for setting the page size has dissapeared off the bar-and I can't get it back! I have tried stretching it- etc.etc.etc.

The print is too tiny for me to use it comfortably. I usually require 125. I also have Internet Explorer, and I learned from experience not to make Foxfire the Primary, as it took it upon itself to delete internet explorer altogether. (I got it back)

Up at the top are 3 icons- one is a house one a star and the other a ????

Comment by Jo Kotylak on December 20, 2009 at 9:03pm
beware of gremlins in Windows7, about 2 weeks after I installed it, I lost all my docments and photos - not my programmes - not one, just all the info, I had, bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Luckily I had backed up the family tree, unluckily it was a 2 month old back up, I lost HEAPS, photos too. all stuff unretrievable. In the end I scrounged and found money for my geek to come out, and guess what - apparently Windows 7 does this a LOT. And he couldn't get my stuff back, so bwah bwah bwah bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - to be polite about the thing. I now have a portable hard drive that I back up things onto - just in blasted case. Lesson learned - the hard way!
Comment by Joyce Garrott on October 26, 2009 at 8:49pm
Try a large display on your monitor...i have mine set at 1280 x 800
Comment by jammie barker on September 27, 2009 at 1:34pm
have a compaq presario v2030us, also have passbook that i keep our deadpeople records on (genealogy-RM, pictures etc). my problems my laptop wont reconzine or run the passport half the time. the passport runs ok on my pc and i have changed cords to the passport to check it. i have reinstalled the usb port drivers and it helped some but not much. any suggestions
Comment by Jo Kotylak on September 1, 2009 at 11:03pm
BTW I love the angel in purple, looks just like me except my hair colour is called "chocolate" well so the hairdresser tells me....
Comment by Jo Kotylak on September 1, 2009 at 11:02pm
Oh why didn't I know you were here for the last 3 days. My old puter died, so in it's terminal phase I backed up the tree (6800 and something people), photos and other stuff on thumb drives/memory sticks, and whadda ya know - get the programme across and NO PHOTOS!!!!! Rude words, so then I'm thinking I'm going to get a photo friendly one that takes gay couples and is set out something like legacy and download it - I've LOOKED for the past 2 days, nothing. I know it's a bit late in the game but before I start stacking on thousands of photos to family tree builder again - any suggestions?
Comment by Andrew Thomas Powell on August 7, 2009 at 12:20am
Just a thought but try EXPORTING the data from family tree to (say) a '.ged' file and then re-importing it back in. The message you're getting could be because teh original data is either corrupt or there is a file permission problem. By doing the above you are in effect re-creating the data.
Comment by Gayle Jon Killey on August 6, 2009 at 4:00pm
I have uploaded some of my info (about 260) and haven't done the other 500 but it seems that all the info is still on (in) the program. It just states that "no changes can be saved". I'll keep my finger crossed and let you know what happens.
Comment by Andrew Thomas Powell on August 6, 2009 at 3:30pm
To connect to anything you will have whats called an 'I.P.' address. This can be static or dynamic. Static means you enter in a fixed 'IP' address, dynamic means your laptop simply gets its IP address from whatever wireless system you are connecting to. My guess is that the IP address it has right now is not the right one for your network i.e. its probably set to static. Try going into the 'properties' tab of your wireless network connection and clicking on the radio button that says something like "Obtain an IP address automatically"
Comment by Andrew Thomas Powell on August 6, 2009 at 3:24pm
Did you upload your family tree to the website? If so then yes you can download it again to update your computer after re-installing the software. If not then hopefully you have the database backed up somewhere so you can simply import it. If not then I would think all that effort is lost.

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