Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

These three brothers came here from the environs of Nancy, France.  I can track Michael through Baltimore-->Pennsylvania-->WV where he died after having 2 families.  Bernard appears to have gone to Ohio and remained for life leaving several children whose descendants appear to still live there around Columbus.  Then, Ferdinand appears in WV then is gone.  I cannot find him anywhere at this time.  

HOWEVER, these Dukes do not fit the mold of the "more French" Dukes and I have many reasons to suspect they were part of the Anabaptist diaspora and that they are more likely "recent" residents to the Alsace-Lorraine region of France having come through Prussia to get there.  I also suspect their name was originally spelled Deuck or some variant.

SO......if you have any connection to THIS variation, please contact me.  I would love to discuss this with you.

Thank you, 

Freda Bradley

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