Genealogy Wise

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Hi, I am a distant cousin to President Taft, Coolidge, FDR, Ford the only President that was a King first, Grant, Hoover, Hayes, and both Bushes, and Possibly Franklin Pierce. there does not seem to be good sites for Presidential Genealogy. Because my link is with an ancestor of the President. Which is a direct descent of me.

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Hi John, A good source for Presidential genealogies is "Ancestors of American Presidents" by Gary Boyd Roberts. There is an older edition, but the most recent is the 2009 edition and it is available from the New England Historic Genealogical Society. I suspect it may be available through and you might find it at your local library.
Larry: Did it snow up where you were at today? Anyway I got my sources from the Previous addition of American Presidents. But online the resources are pitiful. Scott
Scott, No snow here, but there were flurries further south. It's certainly colder than I would like, 23 this morning. Larry
I am a first cousin 5 times removed of President Andrew Jackson. I have read most of the books written about him confirming my linage.
Bonnie Morris Conrad

Hi , I am a second cousin 2 times removed from President George Washington. My granddaughter told some friends at school and it got her in trouble because the teacher thought she was lying. I am also related to Jesse James, the real outlaw, but very distantly. As it turned out it wasn't in my James line , but the Fuqua line. one of the early Fuqua men had married a Woodson. And Jesse's Mom was related to the same family. In fact if I remember correctly his middle name was Woodson. There are a few other famous and infamous ancestor as well, that's the fun for me placing my family in history as look for those family members I haven't discovered. Maryg

that was suppose to be second cousin 9 times removed. whoops.

I think its pretty cool to claim kinship to U.S. Presidents. I've been a family historian for several years and though its strange to say, I'm related to 41 Presidents, though one was our 22nd Pres. then 24th Pres., I guess that should be 40 Presidents I'm related to. The closest being Thomas Jefferson, our 3rd U.S. President.

Mr. McKay, if you go to the web site, "Famous Kin," you can find "trails" to famous relations. You just have to search out those trails to find the person. And by finding those trails, you might use Roots, to follow the trails.

Actually, if you check out Famous, you could find a trail to perhaps more Presidential connections. Pick a President, then check the "trail" to whom may be related in your family tree. Personally, the only Presidents I'm missing are Van Buren, Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, and Trump, the rest are related. Yeah, pretty cool stuff!!!



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