Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Along with every realtive I research on Ancestry. Com. I try to find that person on Find A Grave. Usually I will find their graves and a picture of either their gravestone or a photograph to put with the relative I am researching on Ancestry. That way there is something there to represent the person and not just a blank space. Cindy Ballew Wells

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That is a great idea! I may borrow that if that is OK.


Not sure what your question is, but IF you 'own' the memorial, you can Edit it and put other information for that individual AND you can like to other memorials.

If you are not the 'owner', you can request the 'owner' to add the information OR then can Transfer the ownership over to you.

I do the same and have had incredible results. I now have over 500 people on my family tree found on findagrave.

I love findagrave also=but when I ask permission from one lady to use her picture there, she wanted to know where=was it for my personal genealogy or a "Paid" site??? I had never run into that before. I am a regular contributor for over 3 years now, and anyone is welcome to my pictures etc. But be sure to ask. I have seen a lot of comments on that-and folks who don't.

Folks, according to the Ancestry Terms & Conditions, you MUST have permission to add someone else's original content (such as a photo). The photos are not "free for the taking" - as stated in Find A Grave's "FAQs". Copying photos without the photographer's permission is copyright violation, which Ancestry takes very seriously.  When a copyright holder (photographer) files an infringement claim with Ancestry, the family tree owner gets a "take down" notice. If you continue to do it, your account could be terminated!
The best thing to do is what you learned as a child:  ask first!  If told no, accept it graciously - don't be childish and copy it anyway!



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