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Frisian & Friesland Genealogy


Frisian & Friesland Genealogy

My husbands and my ancestors are all from the Dutch province called Friesland. We still speak Frisian and are proud of our Frisian heritage. I hope to share helpful links and resources to find your Frisian Roots.

Members: 27
Latest Activity: Aug 12, 2021

Through the years my best resource for researching my Frisian roots has been
TRESOAR - Fries Historisch en Letterkundig Centrum
I can research my ancestors in these Frisian archives for free.

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The Best Frisian Genealogy Links

Started by Elisabeth Nieuwhof. Last reply by Paul May 25, 2012. 5 Replies

Wher to find your Frisian ancestors online.

Tags: links, genealogy, roots, frisian

Online Resources ??

Started by Elisabeth Nieuwhof Aug 11, 2009. 0 Replies

I am doing some family research for my sister-in-law, whose ancestors are from Friesland as well.Her grandparents names were Wolter Bonnema and Aaltje van der Heide.According to Graftombe - Wolter…Continue

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Comment by Michelle Mostert on August 17, 2011 at 12:50am
That is amazing Elisabeth, thank you so much, you have given me some great info to follow up on for sure. I noticed you were unable to take the Leegen name back any further than i had, which leads me to assume that maybe they had migrated to Hindeloopen about the late 1700s from another country.
Comment by Elisabeth Nieuwhof on August 16, 2011 at 4:13pm

I did some research and found the following:

Dirk Jans Duif


Daughter: Geesje Dirks 1732

Daughter: Alert Dirks  1734

Daughter: Seuk Dirks    1737

Daughter : Jappe Dirks   1739

Son: Jan 1742

Daughter: Symen 1746
Son: Jan 1747
Daughter: Symen 1750


Hindeloopen, dopen, doopjaar 1732

Dopeling: Geesje

Gedoopt op 31 augustus 1732 in Hindeloopen

Dochter van Dirk Jans Duif en niet genoemde moeder


Gestandaardiseerde namen (voornaam en patroniem):

Dopeling  : GEESKE




Collectie Doop-, Trouw-, Begraaf- en Lidmaatboeken (DTBL)

Herv. gem. Hindeloopen, doop 1709-1811

Inventarisnr. : DTB 412




Jelmertjes Parents were married July 28, 1753 in Hindelopen:


Hindeloopen, huwelijken 1753

Vermelding: Bevestiging huwelijk op 28 juli 1753 in Hindeloopen

Man       : Homme Sierds afkomstig van Hindeloopen

Vrouw     : Geis Dirks afkomstig van Hindeloopen


Gestandaardiseerde namen: HOMME SIERDS en GEESKE DIRKS



Collectie Doop-, Trouw-, Begraaf- en Lidmatenboeken(DTBL)

Trouwregister Hervormde gemeente Hindeloopen 1741-1811

Inventarisnr.: DTB 414



son: Hidde Hommes 1757
son: Sierd Hommes 1765 (Sierd Hommes died May3, 1836 at the age of 71)

daughter: Symen Hommes 1769 ( Siementje)

Daughter: Jelmer Hommes 1773


Hindeloopen, dopen, geboortejaar 1773, doopjaar 1792

Kind: Jelmer

Geboren op 10 augustus 1773

Gedoopt op 4 februari 1792 in Hindeloopen

Dochter van Homme Sierds en Geis Dirks Duiv


Gestandaardiseerde namen (voornaam en patroniem):

Kind      : JELMERTJE


Moeder  : GEESKE DIRKS .....

..... = naam of patroniem komt niet voor in de Thesaurus



Collectie Doop-, Trouw-, Begraaf- en Lidmaatboeken (DTBL)

Doopsgez. gem. Hindeloopen, geboorten 1726-1811

Inventarisnr. : DTB 416



(and again, there may be more, because some children were baptized as infants, others as adults, and there may be some that were not baptized at all)



So Jelmertje Hommes marries Klaas Klases

28 oktober 1792 in Hindelopen

Their children:

Son – Klaas 1792
daughter: Gies  1794
son: Homme  1801
daughter Lieuwk  1809 ( Lieuwkje)



(Klaas Gerrits was previously married on 14 december 1762 to Jantie Gerryts
2 children were born in that marriage 



Hindeloopen, huwelijken 1764

Vermelding: Bevestiging huwelijk op 29 januari 1764 in Hindeloopen

Man       : Klaas Gerrits afkomstig van Hindeloopen

Vrouw     : Lieuk Hindriks afkomstig van Molkwerum


Gestandaardiseerde namen: KLAAS GERRITS en LIEUWKJE HENDRIKS



Collectie Doop-, Trouw-, Begraaf- en Lidmatenboeken(DTBL)

Trouwregister Hervormde gemeente Hindeloopen 1741-1811

Inventarisnr.: DTB 414


Children of Klaas Gerrits and Lieuwk Hendriks:

Daughter: Jouwer 1765

Son: Klaas 1768





Hindeloopen, deel 1 folio 38
Leegen, Klaas Klases, Hindeloopen Jelmer Hommes bij procuratie van haar man Klaas Klases Leegen
Klaas 19, buitenlands en onbekend, Homme 10, Gijs 17, Liewk 2


Klaas Klazen Leegen dies


Overlijdensakte Hindeloopen, 1847

Aangiftedatum 28 april 1847, blad nr. 9

Klaas Klazes Leegen, overleden 27 april 1847, 79 jaar, man


Born abt 1768

Son of Klaas Gerrits Leegen and Lieukje Hendriks de Jong

Lieuwkje Hendriks


Hemelumer Oldeferd, dopen, doopjaar 1742

Dopeling: Lieuwk

Gedoopt op 30 september 1742

Dochter van Hendrijk Jans Platje en Jouwer Oeges


Gestandaardiseerde namen (voornaam en patroniem): b

Dopeling  : LIEUWKJE

Vader   : ..... JANS .....


..... = naam of patroniem komt niet voor in de Thesaurus



Collectie Doop-, Trouw-, Begraaf- en Lidmaatboeken (DTBL)

Herv. gem. Molkwerum, doop 1639-1812

Inventarisnr. : DTB 378


Her parents were married:


Hemelumer Oldeferd, huwelijken 1718

Vermelding: Bevestiging huwelijk op 30 oktober 1718 in Molkwerum

Man       : Hendrik Jans afkomstig van Molkwerum

Vrouw     : Jouwer Oeges afkomstig van Molkwerum


Gestandaardiseerde namen: HENDRIK JANS en JOUWERTJE OEGES



Collectie Doop-, Trouw-, Begraaf- en Lidmatenboeken(DTBL)

Trouwregister Hervormde gemeente Molkwerum 1639-1811

Inventarisnr.: DTB 379

Son: Jan - Gedoopt op 1 november 1719 in Molkwerum
Daughter: Goike - Gedoopt op 25 januari 1722 in Molkwerum
Son: Oege - Gedoopt op 29 september 1726 in Molkwerum
Daughter: Lieuwk - Gedoopt op 30 juni 1737 in Molkwerum
Daughter: Lieuwk  Gedoopt op 30 september 1742

Hemelumer Oldeferd, dopen, doopjaar 1698

Dopeling: Jouwer

Gedoopt op 16 oktober 1698 in Molkwerum

Kind van Oegge Jappes en Lieuk Silvius


Gestandaardiseerde namen (voornaam en patroniem):



Moeder  : LIEUWKJE .....

..... = naam of patroniem komt niet voor in de Thesaurus



Collectie Doop-, Trouw-, Begraaf- en Lidmaatboeken (DTBL)

Herv. gem. Molkwerum, doop 1639-1812

Inventarisnr. : DTB 378


Hemelumer Oldeferd, huwelijken 1697

Vermelding: Bevestiging huwelijk op 5 december 1697 in Molkwerum

Man       : Oege Jappes afkomstig van Molkwerum

Vrouw     : Lieuk Silvius afkomstig van Molkwerum

 Hope that gets you going

Gestandaardiseerde namen: OEGE JAKOBS en LIEUWKJE .....

..... = naam of patroniem komt niet voor in de Thesaurus



Collectie Doop-, Trouw-, Begraaf- en Lidmatenboeken(DTBL)

Trouwregister Hervormde gemeente Molkwerum 1639-1811

Inventarisnr.: DTB 379

Daughter - Jouwer- Gedoopt op 16 oktober 1698
Son – Jappe - Gedoopt op 27 oktober 1700 in Molkwerum
Daughter – Tiam - Gedoopt op 25 december 1703 in Molkwerum
Daughter – Jantien - Gedoopt op 19 september 1706 in Molkwerum



Hemelumer Oldeferd, huwelijken 1675

Vermelding: Bevestiging huwelijk op 27 juni 1675 in Molkwerum

Man       : Duconius Silvius afkomstig van Molkwerum

Vrouw     : Tjam Cornelisdr afkomstig van Molkwerum

Opmerking : Hij is dominee


Gestandaardiseerde namen: ..... ..... en TJAMKE KORNELIS

..... = naam of patroniem komt niet voor in de Thesaurus



Collectie Doop-, Trouw-, Begraaf- en Lidmatenboeken(DTBL)

Trouwregister Hervormde gemeente Molkwerum 1639-1811

Inventarisnr.: DTB 379

Comment by Michelle Mostert on August 16, 2011 at 12:09am

Thnx Elisabeth.......I am researching Klaas Klazes and Klaas Gerrits (surname Leegen/Legen), Jemertje and Sierds (surname Hommes), as well as Liewrkjen Hendriks (surname de Jong). I will try the Tresoar website using only first names thanks.


Comment by Elisabeth Nieuwhof on August 14, 2011 at 9:54pm
Have you tried researching without a last name - not many people had a last name before 1811, most people had to have a last name after Napoleon came to Friesland. What are the names - first names of those you are researching?
Comment by Michelle Mostert on August 14, 2011 at 9:13pm
My Frisian ancestors are Leegen or Legen from Hindeloopen. I have traced them back to the mid 1700s there but seem to have hit a brick wall. Where did people who migrated to Hindeloopen most likely come from during that time?????
Comment by Sande Meyer Smith on July 9, 2011 at 7:14pm
Thank you! I use find a grave for in the U.S and have found most of my family thats here but had no clue how to get any from Friesland and I doubt I will be able to go there (someday I hope!) I will let you know how I do!!
Comment by Elisabeth Nieuwhof on July 9, 2011 at 5:19pm

I would have loved to visit the cemeteries and take pictures of the final resting places of my ancestors, but that was impossible ( maybe someday). Than one day I came across the website of Graftombe
Graftombe's goal is to make as many cemeteries and graveyards in the North of the Netherlands digitally available to genealogists and others interested as possible.
To achieve this goal various volunteers have been (and are) busy indexing and photographing cemeteries and graveyards in the provinces of Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe.
To take advantage of this service you have to sign up for the forum first, which is just a formality, but it also gives you access to a lot of other websites.

Once on the site, you can either search by province and by cemetery.

If you do not have that information you can go to search (zoeken ) and fill in the form with the name you are looking for.
Once you found the name you were looking for, check the box in front of the name and click (plaats geselecteerde foto's in het opvraag mandje - place selected photos in the basket).
You can proceed to add more names, and once you are done click on Fotomandje at the top of the page and check out (no payment required)
In the next few days you find a photograph of the gravestone you are looking for.
This was a great service to me, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers who give of their time to make this service possible.
Click HERE to visit Graftombe.
Let me know, if you need any help.
Comment by Sande Meyer Smith on July 9, 2011 at 5:12pm
Can anyone answer for me if there is anywhere I can get cemetery records for my Friesland ancestors or is that not possible.Also I am concidering getting a DNA profile done,I know I am from Friesland as far back as I can paper trace,does anyone have suggestions or comments about DNA because I really don't understand how it works and wonder if it is worth my while...thanks
Comment by Elisabeth Nieuwhof on July 9, 2011 at 4:57pm
Karla, which Sartorius and Dirksen are you looking for, and what time frame are you searching?
Comment by Elisabeth Nieuwhof on July 9, 2011 at 4:46pm

hi karla, welcome to the Friesland Group,

Moordorf is not part of west Friesland, but of Ostfriesland (East Friesland), which is

the northern part of Germany (part of Niedersachsen). There are actually 2 places called Moordorf.  I actually used to live close to it in my teenage years (that's a while ago I guess)


Members (27)



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