Genealogy Wise

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My Huguenot ancestor is John Perrin b:1734 Lunenberg Co., VA.d: Bef 1820 Garrard Co., KY He served in the military in February 1780 in First Virginia Regiment, John McNeal's Company.. He married Mary Baber

Who John's parents were is in question.

The following is from the research on my website and was contributed by Carol Randall of Tacoma, Washington.

At one time I thought Joseph Perrin was the father of our John Perrin. He isn't. I've been working on the Perrin line for more years than I care to remember. I've tried everyway I know how to connect John to Joseph. But it just isn't there. I "believe" the father of our John Perrin was Henry Perrin. No solid proof! I think it goes like this: Henry Perrin was the father of Isaac Perrin b. c 1736, John b. c 1738 and Joseph b. c 1740. I'm sure there were others but these 3 are fairly certain. This Joseph was the one who ended up in Georgia. Henry, I believe, was a brother of the Joseph Perrin who md. Rebecca.
Mary Lou Bailey's Research
Although this has not been proven, it is the best possible scenario thus far as to who the father of John Perrin is. The dates fit, location, etc.

I enter this information here more for the purpose of research than actual fact. This is for my benefit only and not to be taken as fact. I believe this work of Mary Lou is the most factual and realistic of any other I've seen. I give her full credit for this information....

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Replies to This Discussion

From "Family Archives Huguenot Settlers in America 1600-1900s"

Huguenot Settlers in North America and Europe

Daniel Perrin came over in 1665 from the Island of Jersey,
located at Elizabethtown Plantations and in 1666 married Maria
Thorel a fellow passenger on the "Phillip". They settled on Staten
Island where he died in 1719. The family is supposed to have fled
first to England, or Ireland in the early sixteenth century.

Names of other families are: Boyer, Rettean (Rettie), Gobin
(Goble), Markle (Merkle), DeLong, Girardin (Sheridin), Gerber,
Moser, Beaver (Biever, Beeber), Hoch (High), DuCosson, Jourdan
(Jordan), LaBar, LaVall, LaMar, Jessup, LeRoy (Konig, King),
Dutay (Douty, Doute), Lacrone, Fleury, Coryell, Dusseaux, Espy,
Laroux, Leconte.
You probably already have this info.

Also from Huguenot Settlers in North America and Europe

Huguenot Settlers in North America and Europe

Other Huguenot families who settled at River St John at that
time were Perrin, Patriquan, Gratto, Tattrie. All were from
Montebeliard except the Perrins who were silk manufacturers at
Locke, Touraine, France.



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