Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

unknowncoupleresized.JPGWhen I initially began my  research, I began with the maternal side of my family.  Doing so was an easy choice because my Irish grandmother lived with us as we grew up and I was familiar with some of the details about my relatives in Ireland.  When she died, my mother simply boxed up all her accumulated papers and put them in a closet. They stayed there for 15 years or more until I asked my mother if I could sort through the boxes. 


I found this photograph loose among some letters and documents; it is one of a set of two that are very similar.  They are quite small and appear to look somewhat like the strips of photos we used to get from an automatic photo booth....except that it is apparent that someone has tinted the faces and lips of the individuals.  The man's "hair" has been blackened in so that I cannot tell if the gentleman has real hair or not.  What is supposed to look like a locket or necklace on the woman has also been rather awkwardly drawn in. 

My grandmother was born in 1898 in County Mayo, Ireland and came to the United States in 1914.  Some family members remained in Ireland.  Quite a few of her aunts and uncles also emigrated and settled in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.  My guess would be that the picture is of some family member.


I would love to try to narrow down the date of the picture.  It may even be possible that it was taken in Ireland. 





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