Genealogy Wise

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Ok. let me start the ball rolling.

I have a will from 1684. It is unusually easy to read.

However i have two word problems.

The date is prefixed with the words "Annoq Dm" with a contraction sign above the "m".

I have assumed it means Anno Domini but does anyone know what the "q" is for?

The other is a problem trying to find a word that fits.

It says "goods, chattells, household something and implements" and i can't figure it out.

Can anyone help?

Afile is attached to show the problematic words.

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I think it's 'household stuffe'.


"In the name of God Amen I Grace Lambard of Seavenoke in the
County of Kent widow being sick and weak in body but of sound
and perfect mind and memory praised be Allmighty God therefore
Revoking all former Wills by me made Doe this Sixteenth Day of
June in the first yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord
and Lady William and Mary by the grace of God of England
Scotland ffrance and Ireland King and Queen et Annoq Dm 1689
make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament . . . ."

And I agree with Michael on "stuffe"

Hi Steve. It's probably Dni rather than Dm -- Annoque Domini, year of our Lord. (I had to ask once myself!)
Hi, again - A closer look reveals your "Dm" is more likely to be " Dñi " [ i.e., D + ñ + i ] . . . . and the "q" with squiggle attaching is likely to be "qe" which in many other sixteenth / seventeenth century documeents exists separate from the preceding word "Anno" - thus, "Anno qe Diñ " - see, for example, - and elsewhere.
The Latin, "qe", if memory serves me correctly, is the abbreviated form of "quod est" or, 'which is'. My uneducated guess, therefore, is that the literal rendering comes out something like: 'the year - which is - of the lord'. Hope this helps out with the what is the "q" in "Annoq" question.
Many thanks one and all.

I agree that the word is meant to be householdstuffe, but the scribe has actually written stusse, probably in error.

As for the date it actually reads "&c Annoq[ue] D[omi]ni" which means "etc and in the Year of the Lord"



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