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Alvin Edwin John Longman
  • Male
  • Eastleigh,Hampshire
  • United Kingdom
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Alvin Edwin John Longman's Page

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Longman, Keel, Sillence, Brooks,
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
United Kingdom
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 2:01pm on April 6, 2010, Cynthia Joyce Pater said…
Hi Alvin,
I would love anything you have on Moses Sillence etc. I have gotten back to 1683 with the birth of John Sillence who married Joan Hatcher. It traces down to Charles Sillence whose daughter Harriet married Charles Legg who was my mother's grandfather, her mother being Agnes Legg.
Do you live in Hampshire? I imagine there are still relatives there. I am in Canada, in Sparwood British Columbia. Let's keep in touch.

Cindy Pater
At 2:34pm on April 3, 2010, Cynthia Joyce Pater said…
Hi, I am currently investigating my genealogy. Moses Sillence born 1782 married to Sarah Osman was my Great Great Great Grandfather. Do you have any info, and are you related to Moses? I appreciate any help.

Cindy Pater, Sparwood, B.C. Canada
At 7:22am on October 24, 2009, Christine Gibbins said…
Thank you Alvin for the missing siblings.
Best wishes, Chris
At 1:22pm on October 21, 2009, Christine Gibbins said…
Hi Alvin thanks for coming back to me. I have uploaded the charts here for you. Hope they will be of interest.
Moses and Sarah Osman are also in my direct line, the would be my son's 4x great grandparents.


Sellens Descendants.pdf
At 1:34pm on September 10, 2009, Christine Gibbins said…
Thank you for your reply. looks like we both share the same family at the top of the Sillence tree!!
Ancestry Chart of Georgina SILLENCE

+--- 6-John SELLENS,b.1683,d.17 Jan 1715/16
+--+ 5-Benjamin SILLENCE,c.8 Feb 1708/09,d.16 Sep 1785
| |
| +--+ 6-Joan HATCHER,b.16 Feb 1679/80,d.12 Jan 1715/16
+--+ 4-Moses SILLENCE,c.11 Dec 1750,d.8 Sep 1796
| |
| | +--- 6-Robert BELL,b.Abt 1659,d.???
| | |
| +--+ 5-Elizabeth BELL,c.21 Feb 1713/14,d.11 Jul 1790
| |
| +--- 6-Margery,d.???
+--+ 3-Moses SILLENCE,c.22 Feb 1782,d.29 Jan 1862
| |
| | +--- 6-John YOUNG,d.???
| | |
| | +--+ 5-John YOUNG,c.8 Dec 1686,d.???
| | | |
| | | +--- 6-Alice LYNTON,d.2 Nov 1712
| | |
| +--+ 4-Ann YOUNG,c.25 Apr 1749,d.???
| |
| +--- 5-Alice,d.???
+--+ 2-George Moses SILLENCE,c.29 Sep 1822,d.1901
| |
| | +--- 4-John OSMAN,d.???
| | |
| +--+ 3-Sarah OSMAN,c.25 Jan 1785,d.1862
| |
| | +--+ 6-Thomas CLEVERLEY,b.1689,d.???
| | |
| | +--+ 5-William CLEVERLEY,c.30 May 1731,d.???
| | | |
| | | +--- 6-Elizabeth,d.???
| | |
| +--+ 4-Ann CLEVERLEY,b.1764,d.???
| |
| +--- 5-Frances,d.???
--+ 1-Georgina SILLENCE,b.15 Jun 1856,d.28 May 1931
| +--- 3-John HARTLEY,b.1779,d.4 Dec 1853
| |
+--+ 2-Elizabeth HARTLEY,c.21 Nov 1824,d.1900
+--- 3-Sarah,b.1796,d.24 Jan 1856

At 5:04am on September 10, 2009, Christine Gibbins said…
Hello Alvin, I note you are researching Sillence. I have the family from the West End area of Hampshire. Georgina Sillence married Thomas Glasspool 2 Sep 1876, in West End, near Southampton.
Best wishes, Chris
At 3:45pm on September 7, 2009, Sherry Hightower said…



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