Bob B. Winborn has not received any gifts yet
Posted on February 14, 2012 at 10:59pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
I would be very grateful for any info on William Winborne (alias William Wen) and his spouse Elizabeth Wen.
They came to MA in early 1600's from England, moved around some and finally settled in Boston where their son was born in 1635 and he (John) later attended Harvard-then preached in Manchester for a couple of years.
Thanks, Bob
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In addition to census info below, here are some Littleton family tree links which are fairly detailed and your Mary O(phelia) Littleton is listed as a daughter of Anderson Littleton's. All of his other children are also listed and he is shown as a son of Enoch Littleton's.
It lists your James Johnston as James "R" Johnston (all census records show middle initial as an F ) & shows his father as John C Johnston b. abt 1818 GA and Mary M (mnu) b. abt 1826 TN, m. 11/1/1842 Carroll Co, MS
Mississippi Marriages, 1776-1935 shows
Carroll Co, MS
John C Johnson m. 9/23/1840 to Lucy Ann Weems
John C Johnson m. 11/13/1842 Mary M Ganey (James F's mother)
John C Johnson m. 6/7/1859 Mahala Jackson
1860 Carroll Co, MS census
John C Johnston age 42 b. 1817-18 GA
Mahala age 33 (prob 2nd wife, given dau age 20)
Cyntha age 20 b. 1839-49 MS (Cynthia on 1850 Carroll Co)
B L (dau) age 14 b. MS (Benjamin on 1850 Carroll Co census)
Thos M age 7 b. MS (prob. 1st wifes children?)
JAS F age 4 b. MS ditto
John M age 1 b. MS (could be Malaha or 1st wife's)
Then there are 3 Jackson children listed ranging in ages from 11 up to 16
Sarah E Johnston age 5/12 b. MS prob Mahala's child
The 1850 Carroll Co MS #460-497 census shows him as John C JohnSON, wife Mary M age 24 b. TN. The family is identical to the 1860 (up to 1850) except for a son William A 9/12 is not on the 1860 census, so he probably died before 1860
1870 Carroll Co, MS census shows him as John JohnSON age 53 with a 3rd wife age 34. shows an alt name of "John Curren Johnston" Children are(census taker listed Stephens children in between the Johnston children):
Thomas age 17
JAMES age 13
John age 10
Joseph age 9
Sarah age 11
Marilda Stevens age 13 Cynthia's children??
William Stevens age 10
Henry Stevens age 9
George JohnsTon age 3 (3rd wifes's children??)
Maranda JohnsTon age 1 ditto
1860 Attala Co, MS Census
Page 127 & 128 (Pg 1 & 2 in
Anderson Littleton age 40 b. 1819-20 GA
Addy age 40 b. GA
Sanford R age 18 b. 1841-42 GA
Isaac N age 16 b. GA
Jesse N age 14 b. GA
family con't on Pg 128
Martha A age 11 b. GA
Elizabeth age 9 b. 1850-51 GA
Mary D age 4 b. 1855-56 MS (Mary O)
Charles A age 3/12 b. MS
Other Littleton's in Attala Co, MS in 1860 :
John Littleton age 51 b. 1808-09 GA
Living with him is a Nancy Littleton age 78 b. 1782 VA
Enoch B Littleton age 45 b. 1814-1815 GA
US Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865
Anderson Littleton Pvt Confederate Co B, 4th Regt, Mississippi Infantry
1850 Wilkes Co, GA census
Anderson Littleton age 28 b. 1821-22 GA
Adah age 26 b. 1823-24 GA
Josiah age 6 b. 1843-44 GA
Enoch age 4 b. 1845-46 GA
Infant (son) age 9/12 b. 1849-50 GA
NOTE: As you can see, none of the children appear to match up unless they changed all their names! The ages of the entire family is off by about 2 yrs from the 1860 census.
That said, the Nancy Littleton b. 1781-82 VA who was living with John Littleton on the 1860 Attala Co, MS census is also listed, as is John Littleton. Nancy (b. 1781-82 VA on this census, too) is with her husband, Enoch Littleton b. 1779-80 NC, on the 1850 GA census so I do believe this is your Littleton group...just can't explain the names of the 3 boys being different.
1840 Dist 168, Wilkes Co, GA census
Enoch Littleton 001010001-00000001
1 male 10-under 15 b. 1826-1830 Anderson??
1 male 20-under 30 b. 1811-1820 ??
1 male 60-under 70 b. 1771-1780 Enoch b. 1779-1780
1 female 50-under 60 b. 1781-1790 Nancy b. 1781-82
1830 Wilkes Co, GA census
Enoch Littleton 11211001-0000001
1 male under 5 b. 1826-1830 Anderson??
1 male 5-under 10 b. 1821-1825
2 males 10-under 15 b. 1816-1820
1 male 15-under 20 b. 1811-1815
1 male 20-under 30 b. 1801-1810 John?
1 male 50-under 60 b. 1771-1780 Enoch
1 female 40-under 50 b. 1781-1790 Nancy b. 1781-82
1820 Wilkes Co, GA census
NOTE: Transcribed as "Carch" Littleton with alt name of Enoch Littleton. Page is very faint...but if you know Enoch is the name you are looking for, this would be Enoch as the "och" is clear.
Enoch Littleton 310110-00101
3 males under 10 b. 1811-1820 one is Anderson?
In 1820, there are other Littleton's:
Jas Littleton Head is 45 or over and has 3 males under 10, 1 male 10-under 16 and 2 females under 10 & wife 26-under 45
John Littleton 2 males 26-under 45 with 1 male under 10
Mary Littleton no males in her household, only 2 females 45 or over
There are no 1810 Georgia census records
Did not find Enoch listed on any other GA or NC census records
Georgia Tax Index, 1789-1799 shows
1789 Greene Co, GA "Littleton, William" (this is prob William Littleton)
1791 Wilkes Co, GA William Littleton
American Militia in the Frontier Wars, 1790-1796 shows a William Littleton on a muster roll for "Fort Madison Militia, Flat Shoals Georgia" under command of Lt John Sappington's Detachment dated 3/15-6/15/1794
Your Ellen Johnston is found in 1900 on the Alma Township, Crawford Co, AR census. She is shown as age 18 b. 7/1881 and Hannah is shown as age 3.
Page 19 (in taken 6/4/1900
166-174 (name shown w/alt of James F Johnston)
James T Johnston age 45 b. 8/1854 MS m. 24 yrs Parents: GA & Unknwn
Mary O age 43 b. 8/1856 MS 11 born/9 living Parents: GA GA
Peter age 21 b. 1/1879 MS
ELLEN age 18 b. 7/1881 MS
Rena age 17 b. 12/1882 MS
Allice age 15 b. 8/1884 TX
Frank age 14 b. 5/1886 TX
John age 11 b. 12/1888 AR
Andrew age 10 b. 12/1891 AR
Hannah age 3 b. 10/1896 AR
1880 Carroll Co, MS census taken 6/22/1880
Pg 13 (Pg 10 in
James F JohnSON age 27 b. MS Parents: GA MS
Mary O age 23 b. MS Parents: GA GA
Addie age 3 b. MS (Marr or Died bef 1900?)
Sallie age 2 b. MS (Marr or Died bef 1900?)
Peter age 5/12 b. Jany
1870 Carroll Co, MS census shows 2 possibles for your James Johnston
In both cases, the surname is shown as JohnSON, without the T
One household is that of :
William Johnson age 44 b. 1825-26 VA His wife is only 27 so could not be James' mother His son is shown as age 16 b. 1853-54
The other family is a better "fit" for your James, since the census was taken in June (before James' birthday), he should be 15 and there is a 15 yr old James JohnSON living with James Johnson age 57 b. 1812-13 NC and wife Falla age 45 b. 1824-25 AL. Therein lies your problem...the birth state of his parents do not match up with either of these older Johnson/Johnston's. In 1880 & 1900 he stated his father was born in GA
BUT...I did find James & Mary O's marriage records. Mississippi Marriages, 1776-1935 shows James F JohnSON m. Mary O Littleton on 8/24/1876 in Carroll Co, MS. Mary is listed on the 1870 Carroll Co, MS census Page 13 & 14, hh# 83-83 living in the home of Anderson Littleton age 50 b. 1819-20 GA & Adaline age 50 b. 1819-20 GA. She has an 8 yr old brother named Charles, also in the household.
In 1860, Anderson Littleton, wife and a lot more children, including Mary O & Charles, are on the 1860 Attala Co, MS Census. If you would like the additional family info, from this census feel free to email me direct at and I will forward the info to you.
Hope this helps!
The DAR has a WINBORNE, HENRY listed.
There is no John.
I hope this helps.
You could contact the AZ Society of the SAR and locate a chapter. I would like to sponsor you, however, unless you already know another SAR member. Do you have names and locations (and dates?) to search for your ancestry back to Henry &/or John? I have some Census access and can get the rest at a public library. It would start by building a case and filling out an SAR application. I can make one in Word for you. Then we would have to mail it for signatures after final printing.
page 23: Henry Winborne. 23
three years, as a {)rivate in Capt. Josepli Walker's Com-
pany, of Hertford County, and of tlic Seventh llegiment
of North Cai'olina's Continental Troops. See State
IJcc. of iS'. C, Vol. 16, page llSa. His record must
have been an honorable one, for 1 tind in the State rec-
ords in the office of Secretary of State, at Raleigh, that
on the 7th day of April, lT>i(i, tiie State of North Caro-
lina granted to him, ■"Henrv Winhiu'iic, a [)rivate in the
Continental line," ;JMi aercs of land in this State.
In examining the «dd records of deeds and other
papers, I tind that his name, wlien written by others, is
spelt in various ways, viz., Winboiaie, Winburn, Win-
l)orn, and Winlnitiru. lint in every case where he
signed his name, he wroit- it llciinj Winborne. In
Capt. Walker's conijiany, .lohn Wiidxirnc, of Hertford
County, was Lieutenant. He died during the war, so
the State records show. I have been unable to learn
what was the blood connection between John and
Henry. I regTct tliat w(> have no records to inform us.
Interested in joining the SAR or SR?
Welcome to the England group.
You have an interesting one-name study - have you thought of joining the Guild of One-Name studies? It has a journal, a very active forum, and a Wiki on one-name study searches.
So now I see that you've tested 67 markers and taken the deep-clade test. You're in subclade E1b1b1a2. This subclade is primarily non-Jewish, although there is a handful of Jewish people in it.
As I suspected, your Ashkenazi matches at 12 markers are just coincidence. The 12-marker modal (most common) values for people in E1b1b1a2 is nearly identical to the 12-marker modal for a Jewish cluster in E1b1b1c1. If you go to your Y-DNA Haplotree page, then click on the My Matches tab at the top, you will see that at least half your Ashkenazi matches are in haplogroup E1b1b1c1. Those that are listed as just E1b1b1 probably just haven't had the deep-clade test, but I would expect almost all of them to be E1b1b1c1 as well.
E1b1b1a2 and E1b1b1c1 are separated by tens of thousands of years, so the 12-marker match between them is just coincidence. We call it "convergence" when the marker values from two different haplogroups or subclades are so similar to each other.
For more detailed discussion about your subclade, E1b1b1a2, please visit the E-M35 project's discussion forum at
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