Genealogy Wise

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Cath Trindle
  • Female
  • Redwood City, CA
  • United States
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Cath Trindle's Friends

  • Sandra  Gardner Benward
  • Bill George
  • Sue Monaghan
  • Lisa Louise Cooke
  • Suzanne Russo Adams
  • Leo Myers
  • Bruce Buzbee
  • Paula Hinkel
  • Gena Philibert Ortega

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Madden, Haffey, Keenan, English, Geraghty, Trindle, Chapman, Telfer, Walsh, Somers, Delmore, Grant, Lawler
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
US, Canada, Ireland, Bavaria
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Professional Genealogist
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
California, Ireland, Scotland, Ontario

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At 4:15pm on December 31, 2009, Cath Trindle said…
My line goes Joseph Phillip
Isabel Louise 1897-1989 m. Francis Madden
James Madden 1924-1998
Catherine Ann Madden 1952 (me) m. Trindle
Jessica Trindle 1971 m Carbullido daughter
Andrea Trindle 1973 daughter
Madison Carbullido 2005 granddaughter
Carissa Colleen Carbullido 2007 granddaughter

I can send you a gedcom if you'd like.... or a PDF. I also have a lot of documents and some pictures and would be happy to make a CD and send it. Just let me know e-mail and/or address and I'll try to get them off before I head to Salt Lake for FGS meetings and teaching a few classes at the SL Institute on the 8th. I'm hoping to have some time to go through some more Adjala records as well.
At 3:56pm on December 31, 2009, Andrew Haffey said…
my line is Matthew Joseph 1889 1970
Edward Paul 1926 2005
Peter Andrew 1962 (me)
Matthew Paul 1995 son
Michael Edward 2000 son

I will try to collect any information I have

thanks for the information
At 3:40pm on December 31, 2009, Andrew Haffey said…

my line is Matthew Joseph 1889 1970
- Edward Paul
At 3:24pm on December 31, 2009, Cath Trindle said…
Fantastic, you are a third cousin! I believe that my great-grandfather Joseph Haffey was the first Haffey to go to St. Michaels. He remained there as a tutor for five years before moving to Michigan and becoming a lawyer. Thomas K was his younger brother. Was your grandfather Basil or Matthew? Or are there other sons I don't know about?

I have quite a bit of information on the family, including a lot on the Keenans, and would be happy to share.

Do you still live in Toronto? It's on my travel list to get to Adjala, but we haven't made it yet.

Thanks for the link I hadn't seen that before.
At 3:07pm on December 31, 2009, Andrew Haffey said…
Hi Cath
the below URL includes a list of those on the "Banishment Act" 1803 related to the 1799 rising it includes a Haffey, Keenan, and a Madden

I am one of the many Haffeys who has gone to St.Michael's College (Toronto Canada)
my great grand father was TK (Thomas Keenan) Haffey died 1926

the family is from Armagh and settled in Adjala township Ontario Canada (north of Toronto) early 1800s
At 5:34am on July 21, 2009, Sue Monaghan said…
Hi Cath,
Thanks for getting back to me. I was pleased to see that your Haffey's appear to have hailed from Armagh. Can I ask if your Haffey's were Catholic? Mine appear to have been so though I have communicated with a Haffey family in Ireland and they happened to be Protestant. I'm only asking for research purposes! My Patrick Haffey had a brother John born c1828 also in Ireland. Patrick describes himself as a Mason or Mason's labourer on census returns. He had at least seven children, Hannah born Ireland c1848, John born Newcastle England c1850, Mary 1855, Catherine Anna 1857, Patrick c1859, James c 1862 and Alice c1865. Although I've communicated with a few Haffey researchers I haven't yet been able to connect, I really hope to do so one day. I guess a lot of Irish left their homeland around the same time as Patrick, unfortunately there are no records of passengers between Ireland and England as it was similar to jumping onto public transport. I have actually crossed from Scotland to Ireland by ferry and it only took about 45 minutes!
Is there anything else about your Haffey's that may give any clues?
Best wishes,
At 10:00pm on July 19, 2009, Sue Monaghan said…
Hi Cath,
I have Haffey's from Ireland too. My Second Great Grandparents were Patrick Haffey and Catherine Brady, they left Ireland around 1848 or so and lived in the North of England until their deaths. Would love to exchange information in hope there may be a connection. I have a John English too, also born Ireland c 1828, he married Mary Ann Murray born c 1830 in County Monaghan.
Does anything sound familiar? If you are interested I can let you know the issue of the above couples to see if there is any sort of naming pattern?
Best wishes,
Sue (Australia)


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