Genealogy Wise

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Leandra Ford
  • Female
  • Adelaide, SA
  • Australia
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Leandra Ford's Friends

  • Kerry Whitbread
  • Steven Whitebread

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Kerry Whitbread left a comment for Leandra Ford
"Hi Leandra, I know, it's been forever since you messaged me! Following the family tree has stayed in the back of my mind for the past few years but I have never made it a priority - Unless watching Who Do You Think You Are? on SBS (guess what…"
Apr 25, 2020

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Too many! - all my lines back for at least 6 generations. Surnames include Ford, Lomman, Lane, Engstrom, Summers, Parker, Whit(e)bread, Loller, Fradd
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
UK, Sweden
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher

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At 1:13am on April 25, 2020, Kerry Whitbread said…

Hi Leandra,

I know, it's been forever since you messaged me! Following the family tree has stayed in the back of my mind for the past few years but I have never made it a priority - Unless watching Who Do You Think You Are? on SBS (guess what I'm doing now?).

I have added you on Facebook since it is easier to keep in touch there. I am interested to see what your research into the Whitbread family has discovered. I will try to get hold of some documents next week from South Australia. In regards to Western Australian Whitbread family members, I know there is at least one other family here but I don't believe they are related to me.



At 5:49pm on March 27, 2010, Barbara Brentzell said…
Hi Leandra,
I have Ford ancestors (from Cornwall) dating back to about 1600's. My great great grand father - Charles Christopher Ford came to South Australia on the "Abberton" in 1846 with wife and baby (my great grandfather) They later had 2 boys, James and John and I have no info as to their marital status etc. I know there are lots of Fords (bit like Smith!) but is it possible you are connected?
Barbara Brentzell, Adelaide
At 7:12pm on March 7, 2010, Geniaus said…
Please join over 230 Australian genealogists at The Australian Genealogists Group on Genealogy Wise
At 8:12pm on August 20, 2009, Sherry Hightower said…



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