Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Geoff Rasmussen
  • Male
  • United States
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Geoff Rasmussen's Friends

  • Michael Todd Ritchey
  • Karen Call
  • Cheryl Lynn Sutherland
  • Charles William Aubin
  • RayDean Hill
  • Kim Carson
  • Arturo Cuellar
  • Bonny Decker
  • CRReid
  • Colette Vanda Francis
  • Jeffery A Lord
  • Amy I Anderson
  • The Lady T'Kaat
  • John DeZeeuw
  • John Winkworth

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Brown, McCall
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Professional Genealogist
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Geoff Rasmussen's Blog

Registration now open for our next three webinars

Posted on October 6, 2010 at 8:11am 0 Comments

To celebrate Family History Month we are announcing our next three webinars:

  • Blogging for Beginners with DearMYRTLE on Wednesday, October 20, 2010
  • New Family History Technology with Paul Larsen on Wednesday, October 27, 2010
  • Organize, Share, and Publish Your Digital Photos with Heritage Collector Suite with Marlo Schuldt on Wednesday, November 3

Join one or join all three! Registration for every webinar is free and open to anyone. Register at…


Register for our next live webinar (October 6, 2010) - Helping Unlock the World's Records

Posted on September 16, 2010 at 10:39am 0 Comments

Join us for our next live webinar on Wednesday, October 6, 2010 at 2:00PM EDT. The webinar, Helping Unlock the World's Records: an Insider's Perspective on FamilySearch Indexing will be presented by Jim Ericson, product marketing manager at FamilySearch.

Registration is free but space is limited.



Join us for a webinar on September 15 - Mapping Software for Genealogists

Posted on September 1, 2010 at 4:13pm 0 Comments

Join us for our first-ever live webinar on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 2:00PM EDT. The webinar, Mapping Software for Genealogists will cover essential software tools: AniMap (U.S. & Canada), Centennia (Europe & Middle East), and Map My Family Tree (entire world), and maybe even a Legacy Family Tree tip or two.

Registration is free but space is limited.

In this 30 minute…


Pocket Genealogist v4 now available - access Legacy on Windows Mobile devices

Posted on August 31, 2010 at 5:02pm 0 Comments

Got a Windows Mobile based device? With the new Pocket Genealogist 4.0 you can easily transfer your Legacy Family Tree files, including pictures, from your PC to your PocketPC 2003 or Windows Mobile 5/6 device.

And while you are at the cemetery or the library, you can add or edit information and when you get home, Pocket Genealogist will sync with and update your Legacy files on your PC - no GEDCOM…


Technology Tip: restoring old photographs

Posted on May 28, 2010 at 12:00pm 0 Comments

With today's technology, not much really surprises me anymore. However, as I am writing this, I am nearly stunned at what I am looking at.

I have a brittle, old photograph of my 3rd great-grandfather, David Brown (there I go again talking about my Browns...). Time has faded and cracked the photo. Many years ago I scanned/digitized the photo to preserve its current state. I really did not think there was much hope in ever restoring the photo to my…


Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 6:49pm on March 8, 2012, Sarah Coles said…

Hi Geoff,

Great Webinar yesterday on the 1940 Cenus and also your book, "The Official Unofficial Guide to Legacy arrived just yesterday so I began reading that last night.  I am enjoying it thoroughly and love your sense of humor and little comments you make.  As advertised, it is not the run-of-the-mill manual that we all hate "reading."  You sure are a busy guy!  Keep up all the good work and as my grandfather used to say, "It's always a great day for genealogy but you have to make the time for it."


At 10:49am on February 3, 2010, Geoff Rasmussen said…
Good idea. I don't want to publish anything "official", just want to give non-LDS users some further understanding which your comments have accomplished.
At 11:16pm on February 2, 2010, RayDean Hill said…
Hey, Geoff, I got thinking about it some more, and if / when you re-publish my comments about Legacy & FamilySearch, you might want to add a disclaimer that I am not speaking officially for FamilySearch and/or the LDS Church. I would hope that's obvious, but I certainly don't want to over-step my bounds anywhere...

Thanks again for the invite to test Legacy FS. I'm looking forward to it!
At 5:09pm on February 2, 2010, RayDean Hill said…
Feel free to re-publish my comments as you feel is appropriate. (I don't know that all of it would make sense away from the context of the original comments.) You can especially add the part about "Please hurry with 7.5!" :)
By the way, is there any way to get included in the "special group of testers" that got to help with the final testing of 7.4? In case you can't tell, I'm chomping at the bit! :)
Thanks for a great product! --RayDean
At 4:11am on November 15, 2009, Doug Tracy said…
Dear Mr, Rasmussen,
Glad to join your group and willing to help others of what I know of Legacy.
BUT I would appreciate help on how to load pictures into Legacy - I am going round in circles.........
You must be busy - kindly direct me to someone. After a couple emails I would like to phone and go over the step by steo instructions.
Adding pictures to my, Manitoulin Family Trees database is very imporation to me.

Many thanks,
Doug, Canada
At 11:17am on September 6, 2009, Sarah Coles said…
Everybody has received this scam makemoneywith--on GenWise. We don't need this scam. I sent in a complaint by clicking on "report issues" you find at the bottom of the page. There's lots of information on the Internet about this scam. This is just one link:

We don't need this nonsense on GenWise. Put in a complaint when you get a chance.
At 7:57am on September 6, 2009, Sarah Coles said…
Hi Russ,

I see all my friends are getting this makemoneywith-google also. Who can we complain to? I do not want any soliciations like this on my page.
At 6:35am on August 19, 2009, Roger Dixon said…
At 7:58pm on August 18, 2009, Roger Dixon said…
I'll try to get it done by the weekend, OK.
At 7:31pm on August 18, 2009, Roger Dixon said…
I am an avid fan of Legacy having used it for a number of years now. I'm based in Scotland and am impressed with the amount of UK content you have given your software. There are some things which people are commenting about at the moment, especially sync'ing. I would like to try to write a full article explaining this aspect as it really is relatively easy. Would you be interested in proofing it if I did so?


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