Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

RayDean Hill
  • Female
  • Sandy, UT
  • United States
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RayDean Hill's Friends

  • Gwen Durfee Murray
  • Paula Faccio
  • DeAnn Ellingson
  • Tristan Yeaman Tolman
  • joyce L C Otterstrom
  • Kelly Summers, AG
  • Geoff Rasmussen
  • Fran Jensen
  • Dae Powell

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Allen, Dean, Howell, Ingham, Nield, Oldfield
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
England, especially Lancashire and Cheshire
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 2:35pm on July 27, 2010, Gwen Durfee Murray said…
I truly appreciate your helpfulness. Thank you.
gwen murray
At 10:51pm on July 26, 2010, Gwen Durfee Murray said…
RayDean, Hi,
I have a question. This sounds silly but I don't know and I am interested, so, how do I become an AG member? I was looking at attending the Conference in Oct. There is a different price for members, however if it told me how to join I missed it can you help me, You've been grat in the past, and I appreciate your help.
gwen murray,,,,
At 12:17am on February 12, 2010, Gwen Durfee Murray said…
I appreciate you fpr responding to me. I thought I had been doing geneology for years, I just get overwhelmed at times can I contact you from time to time?
Right now I am reading Elizabeth Shown Mills. I think I am doing okay at this point. But I would really appreciate your conversation from time to time.

Thank You
At 11:00am on February 9, 2010, joyce L C Otterstrom said…
Look forward to meeting you tomorrow.
At 5:13pm on February 2, 2010, Geoff Rasmussen said…
Yes, we'd love to have you as a nFs tester. Please send your email address to
At 4:50pm on February 2, 2010, Geoff Rasmussen said…
RayDean - great explanation of Legacy and FamilySearch today. Do you mind if I republish it in our Legacy News?
At 1:57pm on January 16, 2010, Janice Tanner Salazar said…
My Howells are from Saint Arvans, Monmouthshire, now Wales (sometimes they were considered part of England). There's a beautiful photo of the chapel they built there I found on google images. I also found some interesting info about "good King Howell."


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