Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Richard Dahlqvist
  • Male
  • Eslöv
  • Sweden
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Richard Dahlqvist's Friends

  • Nancy Walker
  • Adam Oblad
  • Diana Larson
  • robert bjorkman
  • Sue Pearson Greichunos
  • Lynn Anderson
  • John Patten
  • Beth Gatlin
  • Cheri Hopkins
  • Gail Parish
  • Jilaine Hock

Richard Dahlqvist's Page

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Sweden and the Americas
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Beginning Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 5:33pm on May 26, 2010, Adam Oblad gave Richard Dahlqvist a gift
Richard, Thank you for your help with my family history. You are a very good detective!
At 12:37pm on October 2, 2009, Bonnie Madrigal said…
hello Richard. Looks like you are a busy guy helping a lot of other people, and me. I appreciate it. Yes, you are right, my grandmother did have siblings,but they died before I was born. I found your comment about my great grandparents coming from the USA quite intriguing. Where can I go to find out where my great-grandparents were born? Thanks again
At 9:07am on September 20, 2009, Johnny said…
Test comment using Firefox.
At 5:22pm on September 2, 2009, John Patten said…
Hi Richard, I hope you've been well since we last spoke. I just wanted to check in, and ask if the group(s) that you handed my research query onto have had any luck with my Stockholm born, John SMITH?

At 9:28pm on August 26, 2009, Diana Larson said…
Hello Richard. I'm sorry I am so terrible about getting back to you. After a few years out of school I decided to go back to nursing school. All of the schoolwork is keeping me very busy! Are all of your ancestors from Sweden? I noticed that you are researching the surname Fick. I have Fick ancestors as well, but they are from Germany. What area of Skåne are you from? Is it a very large area of Sweden? What advice to you have for an American trying to track down ancestors in Sweden? Where should I start? Talk to you soon. :-)
At 6:34pm on August 24, 2009, Sue Pearson Greichunos said…
Richard ~ thank you for the info on Privacy Laws in Sweden... Understood! In USA we also have lots of privacy laws in effect... I'm just a beginner at this, but I believe I can get info just on Census records only up to 1930.

IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO FOR YOU VIA U.S. RECORDS?? I HAVE A SUBSCRIPTION TO ANCESTRY.COM ... not shouting ... just want you to see this over all the other Wall clutter... ~ Cordially, Sue
At 12:34pm on August 23, 2009, Diana Larson said…
Hello Richard! I ran across your name in the Sweden and Swedish Ancestry group. I see that you are from Skåne. I recently discovered that my great grandfather emigrated to Michigan from that area of Sweden--more specifically, Kågeröd. Are you familiar with that area? Would love to get in contact with you when you have the time. :-)
At 3:55am on August 22, 2009, Beth Gatlin said…
Well, yes and no; my Dahlquist ancestor's name was spelled Dahlqvist in his Swedish emigration record, but when he lived in Chicago the name was always spelled Dahlquist. He was from Kinneved, in Skaraborg. Another immigrant ancestor was from Grevie, in Kristianstad. My remaining ancestor of Swedish descent in that generation was born in Indiana, but her parents immigrated from Sweden, separately. I am still trying to find out where they came from. Her mother came over with her family in 1851. I found the passenger list and know when and where the family arrived; the ship departed from Gothenburg, but I don't know where the family was from.
At 9:30pm on August 21, 2009, Beth Gatlin said…
Thank you so much for that link to the Demographical Database for Southern Sweden! Although I just renewed my subscription to Genline, it is so helpful to be able to search rather than just browse!
At 3:24am on August 11, 2009, John Patten said…
Hi Richard, thanks for the interest. I've replied to your question on the Sweden group's page.

Kind Regards,


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