Genealogy Wise

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Diana Larson
  • Female
  • Waterloo, IA
  • United States
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Diana Larson's Friends

  • Julie Grinnell
  • Cyndy Bensema
  • Richard Dahlqvist
  • Lisa Louise Cooke

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Larson, Nordine, Florin, Bronsema, Fick, Bergfels, Wirtjes, Lees, Delp, Dillman, Klise, Heffner, Kehm, Hoff, Lesh
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Sweden, Netherlands, Germany
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Beginning Family History Researcher

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At 1:50pm on May 5, 2010, George Andrew Stillman said…
Hi Diana,

My Dillmans were based ni Pennsylvania for 1 generation (well, not even). They came from Germany in 1751 and my ancestor ended up being taken prisoner in the American Revolutionary War and taken to Halifax Canada. They misspelled his name and it became Stillman. My Stillman cousins are all over eastern Canada, Maine, Florida, Massachusetts, Minnesota.

The Dillmans who remained in the United States spread out to Indiana, Kentucky, Iowa, Washcington and basically all over. Of the 12 distinct families of Dillmans in America being tracked by the Dillman Family Association, mine is by far the most prolific.
At 10:14am on May 4, 2010, George Andrew Stillman said…
Hi there,

Have you considered joining the Dillmann Genealogy group?

At 2:35pm on August 27, 2009, Richard Dahlqvist said…
Hi Diana!

Hope school is treating you good. Homewoork isn't all that fun, but it will pass.

All but one of my ancestors so far comes from Sweden. But I have long ways to go with my research. The thing is that all my ancestors but two comes from the province of Skåne.

The Fick line I'm researching is not my ancestral line. It's the ancestral line of my cousins father. No bloodrelation so far with me.

I live almost in the middle of Skåne in a town called Eslöv.
Skåne is about 2.45% of Sweden, 4258 square miles.

Well, to start to research in Sweden there are a couple of things you need to know.
You need to know about the different parish records and how they work.
You need the name, birth date and parish of the person you are looking for.
You need somewhere to translate Swedish to English.
Learn how the Swedish surnames system works, the patronymic system.

This will help you to begin your research.

Hope this helped you some.
At 2:30am on August 24, 2009, Richard Dahlqvist said…
Hi Diana!
I know of Kågeröd, but I have done no research that I remember of Kågeröd.
But I can try answer any question!
At 11:51am on August 23, 2009, Julie Grinnell said…
No, I've just learned about the Michigan Library. Can you give me an idea what I can find there? Does it contain birth records...census reports...???
I would like to plan a day or two there to research.
At 10:36am on August 22, 2009, Lisa Louise Cooke said…
Well, you've done the most important thing so far - you joined the GenGems group :-) It's a lot like facebook except I haven't really found a "News feed" like Facebook has. You just get as involved as you want by commenting and joining groups. Sometimes they host chats. You'll get a GenealogyWise newsletter email occasionally telling you about that. Nice to see you here!
At 10:36pm on August 21, 2009, Sherry Hightower said…



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