Genealogy Wise

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Sandra Berry/Guenther
  • Female
  • Salem, OR
  • United States
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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Berry, Bolack, Henninger, Lapoint, Salisbury,
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Canada, Germany, France, Wales
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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At 8:12am on November 10, 2011, Patricia Quinn said…

Here comes one of those trees that keeps bending right back into itself over and over.  Jean Baril who was born in 1646 married #1 - Marie Guillet; #2 - Elisabeth Gagnon; #3 - Catherine Dessureau.  Thanks to these families all having anywhere from 12-20 kids each, I end up related to all three of his wives due to marriages in other lines which wrapped back into all these lines, which then wrapped back into themselves...... oy!


I will have to sit down and draw it out to be sure - I have trouble keeping my French Canadian lines straight sometimes.  but somewhere back there Jean Baril ends up being a grandfather to me.  I periodically have to literally draw out a grid and work out the lineage on my French lines to keep them straight when I'm talking about them.  They are the biggest mess that seems to twist right back into itself over and over again so many times, I lose track beyond my 3rd gr-grandparents.


I live in Southern Colorado - Canon City, near the Royal Gorge.

At 2:00pm on November 8, 2011, Patricia Quinn said…

I'm not honestly sure - I can count about 80% of Quebec in my ancestry, I know that.  Gagnon, Charbonneau, Tremblay, Maltais/Maltese are some of the biggest ones.  I'm also descended from the Fontaine line.  If I'm not mistaken, to be honest, at least one person in each of these lines ended up marrying into the Baril line.

I looked for the Baril Genealogy on FB but could not find it?  I'm on FB as Patricia Quinn Meigs - in case you want to be FB friends!

At 12:44pm on November 8, 2011, Patricia Quinn said…
I have not joined the Baril site on here yet.  Maybe I should.  I have tons and tons of info on my French Canadian lines already, but I love collecting more!


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