Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Shari McLaws
  • Female
  • Joseph City, AZ
  • United States
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Shari McLaws's Friends

  • Carol Johnson
  • Betty Tuininga
  • Anne Bradshaw
  • Beverly Simpson
  • Rebecca Ayers
  • Sharon Schuler Kreps
  • Sarah Coles
  • Robin R. Cordell-Inge
  • Nancy House Barron
  • Anita Wills
  • Debbe Hagner, AG
  • Trudy Doolittle
  • Pam Shakespeare
  • Katrina Haney
  • Jeanie DiLeonardo

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United States
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Beginning Family History Researcher
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Storybooking in my Home
I storybook my important stories. You can make books, posters and more too at
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Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 1:06pm on March 20, 2011, Sarah Coles said…

Thanks, Shari for your kind gesture.  I have already had four books published and so far my next two are coming along pretty well.  I must say it takes a lot of time though, so if you could find me more time in the day, that would be great!


You are so lucky to have an Aunt you can interview.  All my family members before me have since passed on.  So many questions I wish I had asked so many years ago.  That sounds like you have quite an interesting job.  If I should have any inquiries I know who to turn to.  Very gracious of you to make an offer.


The paintings are a treasure.  I do paint myself so they caught my eye.  Very talented lady your Great Grandmother was.  That's great you have those paintings to remember her by.  I've been so busy with the book and working on my trees I haven't had much time for anything else.  Soon it will be good weather here and I like to garden so that will be beckoning my attention come then.  I am anxious to see what your new book will be like.  Do hope you post that on GenWise.  I might put a little of mine on here also in the coming months.


Take care.

At 3:24pm on March 19, 2011, Sarah Coles said…

Hi Shari,

Haven't had much time for GenWise lately as I've been working away on my books I want to have published.  Once again, you did such a nice job with yours and they tell a story.  I was just wondering who did the paintings you have posted on here?  They are really nice.

At 3:04pm on July 17, 2010, Betty Tuininga said…
A family tress is very special. Hopefully one of your kids will grow up and have the bug as well!
At 8:44am on July 17, 2010, Betty Tuininga said…
I didn't really begin looking until my kids were in there teen years. Now my eldest son who will be 36 this year has caught the fever as well. He like you has young children and has found that it is more important to nuture the next generation, than to search for the past...but still works on the family genealogy site when he is able.
At 2:21pm on July 16, 2010, Betty Tuininga said…
Hello Shari, really nice to connect with other people who have the "fever." I have considered a good genealogy hunt like awriting a wonderful mystery!
At 11:16am on September 6, 2009, Sarah Coles said…
Everybody has received this scam makemoneywith--on GenWise. We don't need this scam. I sent in a complaint by clicking on "report issues" you find at the bottom of the page. There's lots of information on the Internet about this scam. This is just one link:

We don't need this nonsense on GenWise. Put in a complaint when you get a chance.
At 5:35pm on August 10, 2009, Cathryn Hensley Smith said…
Shari, The journal is hand written in cursive and started in 1900 ...... and as the years went by the handwriting got worse ...
At 9:55pm on August 6, 2009, Trudy Doolittle said…
If you go to my page and look at the list under my picture you should be able to click on my blog. If you can't get to it, let me know...I haven't written much at this point but have a good idea of what I'm going to do. I have culture and era history to research.
At 1:16am on July 17, 2009, Cathryn Hensley Smith said…
The main thing I want to publish right now is my great grandmothers journal which has been scanned into my computer but it needs to be transcribed (which takes a lot of time) and it needs to be cleaned up a bit and to this journal I want to add her marriage and all their descendants along with her parents, siblings and her in-laws and I also want to add census pages, obits and anything else I can find on them. I know it will take time and work to get it done but right now it just looks overwhelming.


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