Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Ugo A. Perego
  • Male
  • United States
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  • Roland  Ingemar Fahlgren
  • Clemente Suardi
  • Gilberto Ceballos
  • Frances Krate
  • Thomas Glad
  • Mark Even Jensen
  • Scott Norton
  • Ruth
  • Howard Wolinsky
  • Cheri Mello
  • Suzanne Russo Adams
  • Michael Helmantoler
  • Dusty Rhoades
  • DearMYRTLE

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Perego, Ferrigno, Santambrogio
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
DNA (Y chromosome, mitochondrial DNA, autosomal), Italian, Native American genetic ancestry,

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At 1:27pm on March 17, 2010, Marilyn K. Sobiech said…
Ugo, Thank you for confirming the C1b portion of my DNA testing 2nd Segment. These are the other numbers you asked for from the 1st Segment of testing that was done by the National Geographic Genome Project. 16223T, 16298C, 16325C, 16327T, and 16519C. It seems that most people I match up with are from Puerto Rico, or 1 from Venezuela and 1 in China. Is this rare or not too many tested? Thanks for your help, Marilyn
At 8:49am on February 21, 2010, Marilyn K. Sobiech said…
I first had the HVR1 testing done with the National Geographic Genome Project. I knew I my maternal grandmother was all Ojibwa from Sault St. Marie, MI and Garden River Canada. So the testing just proved that to me. Then I added the HVR2 done through Family Tree/Mito search. The HVR2 results are 73G, 249-, 263G, 290-, 291-, 489C, 493G, 522-, 523- I'm adopted and have some information about my birth mother and her family. She was deceased by the time I opened my records. I got to meet an aunt once before she died and I have a half sister and two half brothers; I have met one but not the other. So I have very little info about my birth mother and none about my birth father and probably never will. Any help would be appreciated.
At 2:47pm on October 9, 2009, Ruth said…
I discovered that my father is also of haplogroup C and matches my husband's HVR1 & HVR2 results. My cousin also matches his HVR1.
Small world.

Anything new?
At 5:21pm on August 18, 2009, Sherry Hightower said…

At 12:41pm on July 13, 2009, Blaine Bettinger said…
Ugo - unfortunately I haven't had my full mtDNA yet, although I plan to do so within the next year or so. Once I do, I will be sure to contact you with the information.

Being Haplogroup A2 was a complete surprise; I was expecting H. My maternal line ends somewhere in the Caribbean, so I guess I should have been more prepared for it! My maternal grandmother was born on a group of islands (the Bay Islands) off the coast of Honduras, and her maternal line was all English, or so I thought. The results haven't helped me break through the brick wall yet (not a single match anywhere), but they have provided an insight into the possibilities.



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