Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

“Journey through Generations” – A Conference for the Nation’s Genealogists

March 8, 2013 – Austin, TX. Online registration is now open for the 2013 Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference, scheduled for 21-24 August 2013 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Register at by 1 July 2013 for an early-bird discount. This year’s conference theme is “Journey through Generations,” and the local hosts are the Allen County Public Library (ACPL) and the Allen County Genealogical Society of Indiana (ACGSI).

This year’s FGS conference offers an exciting opportunity for anyone interested in researching their family history. This conference will offer over 160 educational sessions on records, strategies, and tools for genealogists of all levels. Ten different sponsored luncheons will provide opportunities for networking.

Session sponsors include FamilySearch,,,, Fold3, Association of Professional Genealogists, Genealogical Speakers Guild, National Archives and Records Administration, and the Indiana Historical Society.

Conference Highlights

  • Conference Sessions: A wide variety of genealogy-related lectures and workshops for all experience levels. Attendees will be able to learn about Midwest research, African American research, European research, military research, genetics, technology, migration, methodology and more.
  • Focus on Societies: On Wednesday, August 21, 2013, sessions are jam-packed with ideas and tools to help societies promote themselves, increase membership, and develop sources of revenue.
  • Librarians’ Day: On Tuesday, August 20, 2013, ProQuest will sponsor a full pre-conference day of sessions designed for librarians, archivists, and other information professionals serving family history researchers.
  • Special Events: Include FGS Opening Social at the Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory and “Journey Through the Genearations with Our Veterans” at the Allen County Public Library.
  • Exhibit Hall: The large exhibit hall will feature the latest software, books, maps, databases and gadgets on the market for genealogists and family historians, as well as information about genealogical organizations. Representatives of FGS member societies will staff their booths in the special Society Showcase area.
  • Extended Hours at ACPL: The Genealogy Center at ACPL will open early and stay open late during the FGS 2013 conference week to help genealogist maximize their research time.

There are more activities and research opportunities too numerous to list. However, you can learn all about the 2013 FGS Conference and register for this exciting four-day event at Be sure to also visit or subscribe to the FGS Conference Blog at for more information.

We look forward to seeing you in Fort Wayne in August!

Learn More and Stay Connected

About the Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS)

The Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) was founded in 1976 and represents the members of hundreds of genealogical societies. FGS links the genealogical community by helping genealogical societies strengthen and grow through resources available online, FGS Forum magazine (filled with articles pertaining to society management and genealogical news), and Society Strategy Series papers, covering topics about effectively operating a genealogical society. FGS also links the genealogical community through its annual conference -- four days of excellent lectures, including one full day devoted to society management topics. To learn more visit

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