Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Early Bird Registration Discount Ends Soon 2013 Family History Conference

Contact: Erin Shifflett

Phone: 703-525-0050 Ext. 112

For Release: 11 March 2013


Early Bird Registration Discount Ends Soon  2013 Family History Conference 

Las Vegas, Nevada, 8–11 May 2013

Building New Bridges

ARLINGTON, VA, 11 March 2013: The NGS 2013 Family History Conference will be held 8–11 May 2013 at the Las Vegas Hotel and Casino (LVH), Las Vegas, Nevada. Register for the conference today! The early bird registration discount ends on Tuesday, 19 March 2013. In addition to enjoying a $35 discount, only early birds have the opportunity to order a printed syllabus. (Everyone will receive a syllabus on flash drive.) NGS members get even deeper discounts, so this is a great time to join. 

Space is still available for all conference social events including the Tuesday bus tours, luncheons, and breakfasts. 

The opening session at this year's conference will be held on Wednesday morning, 
8 May 2013, at 8:00 a.m. The keynote address will be presented by Marian Smith, Chief, Historical Research Branch, USCIS. Using immigration and naturalization as examples, this presentation will explore the importance of national policy changes to ancestors, their records, and your genealogical research.

All full-conference registrants will be entered in a drawing to win a seven-night stay at the Salt Lake Plaza Hotel at Temple Square, courtesy of the Salt Lake Plaza Hotel. The prize will also include a free spot on one the Ancestor Seekers Salt Lake City research trips. Be sure to attend the opening session to find out if you are the winner. The winner must be present at the opening session to claim the prize.

To register online, visit the NGS website at and complete the registration form.  

Founded in 1903, the National Genealogical Society is dedicated to genealogy education, high research standards, and the preservation of genealogical records.  The Arlington, VA-based nonprofit is the premier national society for everyone, from the beginner to the most advanced family historian, seeking excellence in publications, educational offerings, research guidance, and opportunities to interact with other genealogists.  Please visit the NGS Pressroom for further information.



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