Genealogy Wise

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52 weeks of Personal Genealogy and History February

Radio and Television    

We listened to lots of Radio and did not have a TV until I was 13 plus. We could not watch it but on Friday night and Saturday evening Talent shows and Sunday news early.  Later we watched Sky King and other events.

Ed Sullivan Show, was popular. I loved the detective shows on radio. 


Toys Week 

Toys, well we had dolls, cowboy boots, guns and bows and arrows.  We built Lincoln Logs and Erector Sets.

 We did a lot of games and reading.



The changes were computers in the background we did not know about. Electric Typewriters and the use of CB Radios were popular.



 Sounds from my childhood: tractor running, Well pump running, radio playing country western and phonograph with records playing. Lots of birds singing and chatting in the trees and the owls that would come out and hoot at night.



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