Genealogy Wise

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52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy and History March

Disasters Week

Disasters were the fire, after I moved. Tornado when I was a Junior in the High School. Floods many times we had floods. Fortunately it damaged only the foundation and out buildings and we have had to reset the one corner of the house a few times. The house sets on a rock base and only one corner is not. Large old style timbers make the base of home very strong sturdy. Winds and water was the most normal damage we would have. Trees blown over and road blocked were a winter once in awhile event. 


Illness and Injury Week

Injuries, nails in the feet. bangs on the head, broken fingers,  broken toes were a normal incidents for us growing up.

Sometimes injuries required hospital stays otherwise it was all at home recovery.



Movies were attended because it gave us War news. My Dad and his sister and two other families took turns going to the theatre so we could see or get the more current  news.  I remember many newsreels from the War period. Movie we went to once was a comedy and I hated it. I remember being so frightened by the elevator that took people down into the ground to the basement.  Laural and Hardy film.  ARRGH loved Showboat, Carousel,Oklahoma and River Queen and Gone with the Wind.



Sweets are brownies, chocolate cake, Dad's favorite. Oatmeal cookies, peanut butter cookies and lots of puddings in the winter and homemade ice cream in the summer.  Love the Ice Cream with fresh peaches had to be my favorite.

Of course we had a orchard of fruit to harvest and eat. Thanks to Luther Burbank using this place as a test sight prior to us owning it.




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Comment by Ellen Rowan Taylor on April 7, 2011 at 11:02am
What a great way to start a memoir!  Please keep posting.


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