Genealogy Wise

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Following links from Google Books, WorldCat and

When I was working at the University of Utah Library a million years ago
(maybe only half a million), my past-time on break was to walk the
stacks, it was exercise and I also became acquainted with all of the
different sections of that huge library. I would also find books of
interest from time to time. Whenever I go to a library, I essentially do
the same thing, walk up and down the shelves looking for relevant
material. I have learned that no index (card catalog) is perfect and
there is no substitute for taking a look for yourself as to what might
be available.

The current equivalent for walking the shelves is using Google Books,
WorldCat and to look for books that might be helpful to my
research. But I do miss the library.

Here is an example of an interconnected search on Google/WorldCat/


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