Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Sweden is not known for having free online records. You may have heard of Genline, a commercial Swedish Website with 17,453,462 online images comprising approximately 34,600,000 pages of images. This is a subscription site charging up to $285 US for a year subscription. However, you can also pay by the day, $11 US, or 20 days, a month, a quarter or three years. It is a fabulous Website for Swedish research. But they have the same records that were microfilmed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and are available on microfilm from the Family History Library.

Now there is an alternative, at least for the southern part of Sweden,

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Comment by Sue Pearson Greichunos on September 21, 2009 at 12:41pm
Mr. Tanner ~~ Thank you for the wonderful tip on Free access to Swedish genealogical records for Southern Sweden. I took a look at your blog, then at the DDSS website. It appears that Värmlands län would not be covered within the scope of DDSS records. I wonder if there is a plan ever to create a similar site for läns other than the current three comprising DDSS' records? Thank you again.
Cordially, Sue


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