Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

  Genealogy and It's Evolving Door


  Yes, it is  ever evolving, to new and different dimensions.  I started when young helping my Mother Dorothy Inez Hoffman Jones, bless her soul.  We  talked to many relatives in Wyoming, Colorado, Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, Colorado New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Nevada and California.  She had talked to people from: Wyoming, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Kansas and maybe even from one or two from Illinois.

  No one said you must get it in their hand, they  must verify what they say is true. It must be documented and certified.

The US government lost a box of my letters from my Great Grandmother, Great Grandfather, Grandparents, and many other relatives including many of the letters my husband wrote during the Vietnam War.       


 Suddenly we find dishonesty has reared it's head amongst the crowds of researchers. So now we are sourcing and siting and recording til my notes are longer than my data. 


  Technology changes we seldom write letters but they are still my favorite way to reach some one. It gives them a sample of your hand writing and your style.  The same applies when they respond.  I love to cold call and contact new kin when I am sure that they are kin. It has always been rewarding and fun. 


  So we joined Societies and created research groups and attempt to help each other.  We put out bulletins and newsletters and read cemeteries and help others.  We even go so far as to have Seminars, and Jamborees and major Genealogical Events throughout the world.  


  We had and created and used. Ah ha, now comes the new. We now have e-mails, and conferencing and chat groups and we are happy.  But then we did on line conferences with a terrific success. It was lots of work but we had speakers for 7 days a week for every day of October a few years ago in the forum I worked and helped create and put this on. 


  Now we have more modern affects, Radio talk shows, Webanairs,  Podcasts, and we are worried about a speaker being a genealogist or vendor or speaker?   Believe me some how genealogy came first. 


  So we are an evolving door moving forever in another direction at all times. 

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