Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

  Genealogy Conferences  Duel Positions


 I read Janet H. comments recently and it was a very interesting and brought to mind lots of thoughts.

 So I waited a few days until I could get them put in smoothly in my mind.

 That does not happen often. I learned when young my brain is wired different than many and so my thoughts are many times to fast for the proper exposure to society. 


 Janet, first I look forward to seeing you each time you are at Jamboree. I love to hear the things you bring up and the charts and ideas you have. I do not even think of you as vendor/speaker. I have always thought of all the speakers that are also vendors as genealogists. 


See this is some of the communications of today, that leave me frustrated. The more we communicate the more people dissect and confuse the issues. At least to me a person can be a genealogist, speaker and vendor and would not be there speaking if they were not already a genealogist to start with.  Remember the old diagram on the black board, you were given a sentence and you had to put it's components in all the right places.  That is what I think this topic is attempting to do with duel positions. 

I could not imagine attending a Conference without seeing some of the  people I think of as friends, but they also have booths & write and speak.  Have you ever worked a booth and seen the excitement that people get when they can acquire something that will help them in their research. I for one find this as exciting as finding a clue in my research. 


I truly hope that genealogists remember we were all genealogists and sometimes branch into other areas to fulfill our lives.  Whether it be a vendor, speaker,writer or paid researcher, the bottom line is we are Genealogists of one degree or another.

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