Genealogy Wise

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  As a major user of maps in my genealogy adventures I wanted to share this post from NGS to those whom read 

this blog. Yes, you can pass it along also.

Maps can unlock doors, direct you where you really need to be looking and explain how a person lived in four 

places and never moved.

   I also suspect that few genealogists are members of NGS and are aware of this information.



Maps, Maps and More Maps

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 05:00 AM PDT

Maps, Maps and More Maps
Maps are definitely an excellent resource to give us a visual perspective on our ancestors and their lives.  Sometimes they show us neighbors, sometimes it’s which churches or courthouses or cemeteries are near by, etc.
Some fairly “new” (or “new” to us) map resources you might want to check out include:
  • Historical Maps of Nova Scotia -- 55 digitized maps of the Canadian  province of 
    Nova Scotia have been placed online by Nova Scotia Archives, dating back to 1613.
  • The Greater Philadelphia GeoHistory Network -- This site contains thousands of old maps, property atlases, city directories, industrial site surveys, and other items documenting the history and development of the city of Philadelphia.
  • – “Maps of America are what you'll find and make on™. Maps of innovation and vision that illustrate our changing Nation. Maps that capture and depict the patterns, conditions, and trends of American life. Maps that supplement interesting articles. Maps that tell their own stories. Maps that cover all of the  United States or just your area of interest. Maps that are accurate and reliable from more than 20 Federal organizations. Maps about 
    America's people, heritage, and resources. Maps that will help you, your children, your colleagues, and your friends understand the 
    United States and its place in the world.”
  • Don’t forget to check out the Historic Map Overlays available for Google (Earth) Maps as found at such places as: David Rumsey Map Collection,North Carolina Historic Overlay MapsScotland Historical Map OverlaysHenry Hudson 400, the already mentioned Greater Philadelphia GeoHistory Network
Editors Note: Do recognize that you can overlay all kinds of maps and other images onto Google Earth and the above are just easier as you start out since they are designed for that purpose.
Please “comment” and share with your fellow ge nealogists your favorite web sites for maps! 
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