June 29, 2011 I will be presenting a talk on Migration Patterns to our local Chula Vista Genealogical Society.
Here in is a synopsis and I am willing to present to the Thursday night group at 6 pm the same information after
29 June. Vital Records time.
Migration Patterns
I will be presenting information on some of the Migration Patterns that our Ancestors have used with the development of the Colonies and then United States.
Starting with some migration across Europe to the United States. We will discuss the types of travel used by various times and regions.
Looking at the Migration patterns that our Ydna presents and are used by researchers will be our starting point. Using some Ancient History to 1900 Century History
we can learn much about our peoples. We are aware that the lay of the land also impeded their movement or made it easier.
Wars and conflicts also created much movement across all continents abruptly making migration pattern changes.
We will talk about the misuse of labels on our ancestors and how it affects our research for migration. There will be some discussion on the Natives of this country and their migration and movement due to the colonists shoving them away from their normal home lands.
Every movement by one group affected all at one point or another. It is almost like a standing dominoes up and hitting one and see how long it takes for them all to fall.
It is very interesting to see the movement of migration patterns that are happening today, but I will not touch much on that at this time.
Migration patterns can make a big difference when one is attempting to break a brick wall or find a missing person/family.
July 6 at the Lemon Grove Library I will present another area of MIgration Information to
the attendees. It will encompass the migration of our ancestors to the early part of our Continent
and the settling of the early interior of the USA.
My Bio is here:
Susan (Susi ) Pentico
Susi has been a family historian, researcher and genealogists for more than 40 years. She started at a young age of 12 with her Grandfather telling her stories setting on the old hay baler in Platte Co. Wyoming. His daughter, her MOM was already doing research and the stories he told just made me want to learn more and more about our family. Our first child was gravely ill and it propelled me into learning about the in law's family. I have worked with my Aunts and Uncles and Great Aunts and Uncles and so glad that my parents felt family was very important and we made those journeys to Wyoming and the mid west every few years to keep in touch. Having done research for others and helped various genealogical societies by holding positions or speaking for them on various topics. I have spoke for more than 10 years on a great many topics.
My one love is Medical Genealogy for everyone. I think we can save our youth much misery in old age if we would be more willing to follow up leads on this topic.
I am very interested in the LOST COLONY endeavor and what the out come may be. I am currently the Educational Chairperson of our society and it is a position I hold dear because our youth is our future and educating for everyone is key.
I have taught on line genealogy for almost ten years with the old "Golden Gate Forum" on AOL. I then taught for 5 plus years with the GenealogyForum for Joe when we put on a full month Family HIstory event on line. That was a lot of fun. I am currently working with GenealogyWise.com as a host once a week. besides the things I do locally for our group. I am a member of many societies locally and nationally. NGS,NEHGS, OGS in Ohio, Southwest Pennsylvania etc.
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