Genealogy Wise

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An assortment of interesting names pulled from my database. Every one of them is an actual name!

I suppose that some of these names were fashionable in their own time. My name, Heather, is now a popular name, but when my mother first named me the pediatrician said “That’s a dog’s name!” (His mother raised Scots Terriers!)

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Onesiphorus Allen (1642-1718) my 8th Great Uncle, and his son Onesiphorus Allen, Jr. (b. 1674), other interesting Allen names are Bezaleel, Shearjashub, Hephzibah and Zerubabbel.

Lemon Beadle- (1680-1717) his mother’s maiden name was Lemon, poor kid! My 7x great grandfather.

Janet Wilkinson Blades (1898-1981) was my great aunt. This was her married name, and she took a lot of kidding for it!

Ebenezer Ingraham Bill- (1805-1891) plus four descendants with this exact name. I always thought his name should be written backward. The Bill Family made up for a very plain surname with a plethora of interesting given names: Arabella, Asahel, Benajah, Bozoan, Ethelinda, Mehitable, Isabella and Zerviah.

Samuel Draper (1690 – 1767), my first cousin 10x removed, named his sons Newburyport, New York, Boston and James. He was a privateer, and I suppose he was away a lot! At least for the first three sons.

Skelton Felton- (about 1680-1749) – My first cousin 9x removed. His grandmother’s name was Skelton, unfortunately. This left a lasting legacy of about four generations of Skelton Feltons.

Washington Adams Jefferson Wilkinson ( b. 1804 in Smithfield, Rhode Island) His parents couldn’t make up their minds which president they liked best.

I also found various Puritan virtue names are sprinkled liberally here and there. Besides the usual Patience, Prudence and Constance I found the more unusual names of Retire, Fear, Comfort, Submit, Plain, Remember, Freelove, Hopestill, and (last but not least!) is my very all time favorite strange name on this list: Hatevil Nutter (1598-about 1675) and his three descendants by the same name, my first cousin generations removed.


Copyright 2010, Heather Wilkinson Rojo

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Comment by Richie C. on June 8, 2010 at 12:55pm
Those were a hoot, Heather...thanks for sharing. I knew a Chastity or two gas a teenager in the 1980s (nice try, parents)....but also knew a Kandi Kane, who probably had porn and stripper poles in her future (oh my).
Comment by William Douglas on June 6, 2010 at 11:08am
I recently came across an Electrician ENGEL Can that be a real name?



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