Genealogy Wise

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When a co-incidence in genealogy makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end

Well, we all know co-incidences happen, but sheesh, just lately genealogically speaking they're jumping out at me. For instance.

Have connected with a Jewish Lady for my Isaacs research and somehow we get talking about "The Camps" and I say my dad (not Jewish) was in Somme Kasserne as a prisoner and bang, she writes back and says "oh my husband went through there!" dum dum dum dum (read Jaws music)

Also years ago a woman found an old photo with a name and town on the back, she rang the local historical society who put her in touch with me, I now have said photo of my relative (and am thrilled with it)hanging on my lounge room wall, then all of a sudden my nephew brings this girl home - his current partner, and bingo, exactly the same name exactly the same spelling, and not a common name either.

Now my other nephew is getting married, and so I've started his finance's tree. Her family come from a farm in a town I've never researched before, so I start, and I find out that one of her forebears married into my Grandmother's family (so his great great grandmothers family married into hers) in the 1800's.

Surely this can't ALL be co-incidence - can it? Or is it MEANT TO BE??? I don't know but it's spooky, that's for sure!!!

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Comment by Katie Heitert Wilkinson on April 5, 2010 at 1:06pm
What an incredible tale!!! Gives me goose bumps. At the same time it's really exciting.


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